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I Forge Iron

Hello, What was I thinking?


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Several years ago I stumbled onto gas forges on Youtube.  I have always thought it would be fun to take out my frustrations on a red hot piece of steel but decided I needed another hobby like I needed a hole in my head.  Flash forward to a couple weeks ago.  I stumbled onto 2 empty propane tanks with damaged valves.  A friend asked if I wanted some one inch ceramic wool rated at 2300 degrees, and I said yes.  So, Armed with this free stuff, I figured it was a sign that I was supposed to make a forge and that is what I started this weekend.

Removed the valves, filled them with water several time then one time with dish soap. 

Got a propane torch and tested if the gas was gone.  It was.

Watched a few videos and read a lot of stuff

Cut the wool to shape, wearing proper protective gear, so I would have two inches

Now I am stuck, because a couple places on the net and one video said to use something called hardener.  I can't find that.  I am also not sure if I should create a floor out of a fire brick.  It seems like it would be a good idea.


So, here I am.  completely and totally new to this blacksmith thing and really excited.

In the real world I teach middle school reading to struggling readers, and I manage the family business.  The forge will be at the business.  Can't burn anything down there.

Now I am off to read a lot.

Edited by natenaaron
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Tried to post but ran into the F word...

May I commend to your attention http://www.waynecoeartistblacksmith.com/Forge_Supplies.html  Wayne has a lot of good info on building gas forges (and supplies a lot of us smiths with the refractories we use...).

I also suggest you list your general location as hands on help is much more effective than over the net.

Edited by ThomasPowers
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Welcome aboard Nate and or Aaron, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many IFI folk live within visiting distance.

Thomas's suggestion to contact Wayne is enough to get you on the path nicely. Heck, it saves me from writing my useful suggestions for building gas forges. But I'll be around if you need something.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Duh, see what 16 years in Oklahoma will do to you! Raised in cave creek, a year in Joseph city, a strech in glendal and payson...

still, hats off to a teacher. I have the temperment for mentoring, but teaching a classroom full of kids, nope. But as benifiting from both gifted and special ed, i thank you on behalf of your students and their famalies

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Come on guys the White Mountains are in New Hampshire, like the White Mountain National Forest?


Teacher of Struggling Students esp. Reading Bless you!   Most important thing anyone can learn is to read all the rest follows.

Edited by notownkid
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