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I Forge Iron

Hornless Anvil

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Hey everybody!

I found a nice Austrian style anvil weighing in at about 70-100 kilos, but it doesn't have a horn ( bick/beak ). It's been ripped straight off . . I still cant imagine how . . . It doesn't look that punished to me . .so I guess it must have been a sand infiltration while casting it or something.

My questions are. . .Can I somehow put a new bick on it? Will it be cheap to make and attach it? What tools will I need ( if it's possible ) and considering that I already have a 150 kilo main anvil and a 50 kilo spare . .should I just drop the whole thing and scrap it?

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It does have a huge scar . .it was surely a horned ( horny :P) anvil ..
It also appear to be a wrought bodied anvil with a steel face. .If I'd show you a pic of the "scar" you would know. .( too bad I don't actually have one)

i know it could have it welded ..but I don;t have the broken off horn.

Yes . .it still has the hardie hole. .. as well as the pritchel hole.

Anyways thanks guys. .but I think I'll just scrap it . .why keep it if its broken and if I have one twice as heavy .. made of cast tool steel. Right?

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Anyways thanks guys. .but I think I'll just scrap it . .why keep it if its broken and if I have one twice as heavy .. made of cast tool steel. Right?


An anvil does NOT need a horn to be useful, I'd take it in a heartbeat if for no other reason than to have another anvil for students. As it is I only have two quality anvils and a third would be a welcome addition.

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+1 Frosty! For most of the 3,000 years of iron usage, general-purpose anvils were often hornless. Japanese swordsmith anvils still are. Plenty of very good work can be done on a hornless anvil. Heck, look at the work Viking smiths were able to make on sub 5lb lumps of wrought iron! :D

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An anvil does NOT need a horn to be useful, I'd take it in a heartbeat if for no other reason than to have another anvil for students. As it is I only have two quality anvils and a third would be a welcome addition.


too bad I'm so far away then :P ..an too bad you're not here. . with a pick up truck, 2 tanks of gas and about a 1000 bucks you could get like 30 anvils from the mountain villages around here. ..not to mention the ones that are inherited by people that have no use for them and scrap em, you could get those for less than the cost of their scrap weight.
I got a 350 pound cast steel german style anvil for 100 bucks. .almost new :D
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I was cooresponding with a smith in Sweden in the early days of the internet and he told the same story. Lots of smithing tools for next to nothing.

I actually researched and talked to a couple people who ship from western europe and it'd cost about 1/3 as much to buy new as it would to ship one.

Of course if I could slip one into my baggage. . .


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