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I Forge Iron

Cross and Straight peen hammer?

Jacob Nothstine

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I like it. A hammer for the guy that can't make up his mind.


Maybe you could make a 4 sided hammer, two peens, a rounding side, and a flat side. :D (somebody reading this will probably try it, and three somebody elses probably already have.)


Have you tested for hardness? Even if the peen is too sharp, you could always redress it a bit with a grinder.

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Tin knockers and silver smiths use a similar forming hammer though smaller, I don't recall the name but I have a couple. this one's a mason's hammer but that's no reason not to dress the peins for forging.


One of my favorite straight pein hammers was a mason's hammer now it's my straight pein.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I like it. A hammer for the guy that can't make up his mind.


Maybe you could make a 4 sided hammer, two peens, a rounding side, and a flat side. :D (somebody reading this will probably try it, and three somebody elses probably already have.)


Have you tested for hardness? Even if the peen is too sharp, you could always redress it a bit with a grinder.


Rthibeau sells a quadrapein...

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My current favorite smithing cross peen spent many years as my favorite mason's cross peen. The peen rounded over nicely to a  ~3/8 diam fuller, so I polished it up and put it in a different toolbox. Ya gotta have priorities.



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