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I Forge Iron

Decent Ebay Find?

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Hey guys, I was trolling around Ebay and found a 77lb anvil for about $200, however I have heard of a lot of scams/bs on ebay. This is what is posted fora pic and info:



  • Not Cast Iron- but hardened and tempered STEEL, it also has a beautiful ring to it!!
  • Rockwell hardness: 52
  • Hardy hole: approx 22 x 22 mm
  • Round hold: approx 20 mm
  • Heat treated
  • Top: 11" x 4-5/8"
  • Horn:; 6"
  • Base: 10" x 7"


So what do you think? Is $200 a decent price? Should I trust this is steel? Needing a little help here... it's my first anvil purchase (upgrading from my makeshift plate of Hardox 400)


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I check craigslist every day (pretty much just teasing myself) and there are plenty of anvils that pop up in MA, NH, RI. All reasonable driving distance and there are usually some decently priced anvils in good shape. Generally 2-3 bucks a pound but occasionally you can find them for a dollar a pound. I see lots of Fishers, Peter Wrights, Trentons, and Hill or Mousehole anvils regularly in the area with the occasional Hay Budden. Keep checking everyday and I bet you will find something that would suit you within about 2 weeks.

-Crazy Ivan

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Thanks Sing, didn't catch that! Sharp eye!


Just noticed you are a New Englander yourself, Ivan! Enjoying the weather? Lol! Anyways, yeah, I check craigslist multiple times a day in the Western Mass section... There hasn't been a post in over a month regarding anvils, aside from some guy wanting $700 for an unmarked hornless anvil. What sort of luck are you getting?


Nevertheless, I messaged the seller on Ebay asking how he knows for sure this is a steel anvil.



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I got both my anvils from craigslist. My 106 lb Mousehole (In amazing shape) cost me $90 and 80 minutes drive round trip. My 126 lb Trenton cost $275 and 3 Hours round trip driving Talked down from $400 due to the condition of the edges). The deals are out there. Just be sure to check surrounding areas as well. There is a posting in New Bedford for a Fisher anvil with the tip of the horn busted, but pristine edges for a very fair price. Its been up for a bit but it might be worth a shot to see if he still has it. Looks to be in the 100-120 lb range for 175.

-Crazy Ivan

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Ivan, that posting is still there! How on earth would I go about getting that face redone though?


Nicole, indeed, they look very similar. The price is lower though, so maybe it was purchased here and sold on ebay for profit?



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Don't worry about the surface rust. Hit it with a wire brush and a scotch bright pad to get the loose stuff off, then use it use it use it! It will shine up in good time from being used. If you grab it up, feel free to drop it off here for a couple weeks and I will have that face as clean as can be  :D .

-Crazy Ivan

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That Fisher for $175 would be in my hands same day if it was here in Oregon. All that "rust" is nothing. The tip broken like that will mostly just keep you from poking yourself...
My 300# Fisher has a broken tip also. Only sometimes do I care. That anvil is in excellent condition otherwise.
Furthermore, every blacksmith/knifemaker in New England that watches this forum has been alerted to its presence. So buy it now if you can.
Good luck.

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Here's what I done several years ago to find blacksmith tools and anvils.. I put a want ad in the newspaper"wanted to buy blacksmith tools, tongs, hammers, forges and anvils.. One piece or whole shop.. Pay cash"...even though I wasn't looking to buy lots of tools or a whole shop full I always picked up some type of blacksmithing equipment a reasonable price... I usually run the ad for about a week or 10 days. I placed these ads before the eBay sellers were hunting down the blacksmith tools, so you may not be as successful??? But definitely I would try... Another thing make sure you tell all your friends and relatives that you're looking for an anvil..

Here's how I found a Peter Wright(180lbs) in very good condition; stop at the grocery store and had a shoulder bag on that had on the flap of the bag a picture of an anvil and our club logo.. I was standing in the checkout line, and the guy behind me saw my bag(anvil picture) he said "got an anvil in my garage, you interested in buying it? he lived about a mile from the store, followed him home and bought the anvil..

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That Fisher for $175 would be in my hands same day if it was here in Oregon. All that "rust" is nothing. The tip broken like that will mostly just keep you from poking yourself...
My 300# Fisher has a broken tip also. Only sometimes do I care. That anvil is in excellent condition otherwise.
Furthermore, every blacksmith/knifemaker in New England that watches this forum has been alerted to its presence. So buy it now if you can.
Good luck.

On that note...I get paid on Thursday... Strike while the iron is hot! HAHA. Don't worry I won't deprive you of your first "real" anvil :) .  If you ever feel compelled to get a little hammer time with another smith, I am free most weekends. PM me if you feel like beating some iron with another smith. My shop is open to anyone looking to move some metal.

-Crazy Ivan

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Hey guys, I was trolling around Ebay and found a 77lb anvil for about $200, however I have heard of a lot of scams/bs on ebay. This is what is posted fora pic and info:



  • Not Cast Iron- but hardened and tempered STEEL, it also has a beautiful ring to it!!
  • Rockwell hardness: 52
  • Hardy hole: approx 22 x 22 mm
  • Round hold: approx 20 mm
  • Heat treated
  • Top: 11" x 4-5/8"
  • Horn:; 6"
  • Base: 10" x 7"


So what do you think? Is $200 a decent price? Should I trust this is steel? Needing a little help here... it's my first anvil purchase (upgrading from my makeshift plate of Hardox 400)

At first I thought that was one of those 15 lb cast iron ASO doorstops from Harbor Freight. I think it might actually be a Fervi from Italy. They list several anvil sizes and be careful because they have both cast iron and steel. Click on the "item variants" for other sizes~



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Good Luck; I will note that most really good anvil finds have half lives of under an hour.  Having cast to hand is a requirement to jump on them.  Anvils that "hang around" usually means ther is something wrong:  price, condition, etc---though sometimes you can luck out on a "pick up only" deal on the bay...

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