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no gas tuesday is tomorrow the 15th


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It's not 40% it's 40cents per gallon which is the average. 18.4 cents per gallon fed, and a national average of around 22 cents per gallon state tax, higher in some, lower in others.

We are increadibly fortunate compared to the rest of the world in that we pay the lowest tax for gas of any country.

There are a few countries that pay less for gas on a per gallon basis, but these are oil producing countries themselves which sell at a subsidized rate to their citizens (like saudi arabia and nigeria)

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It is usually used as an attack on welfare or taxes. Often by the same folk that object to all business regulations.

Whenever I hear the word 'socialist' or any of its forms, it is usually associated with a profound lack of overview. Odd when a word, a tool for thought and communication becomes a tool to negate understanding.

A selfish country is a weak an unprepared country. A leader who believes in selfishness first will not serve anyone well. A selfish leader will try to appear to understand, but will never care to understand.

Ancient Rome, had a welfare system. It helped a healthy underclass ready to be drafted or enlisted. Was Nero a socialist? Was the bread free?

Odd that Eisenhower was for welfare as well, Lots of poor folk were not healthy enough to serve well in WWII. So they instituted measures to provide healthy meals for the less well off. Not only kind, it helped maintain healthy fodder for war. Was Eisenhower a socialist? Were the school meals free?

Nice Public roads were welfare as well, but were established so that the military could travel quickly in time of need.

It is interesting that people believe that capitalist and socialist are opposites. The kibbutz system is a strong demonstration that socialist and capitalist can be very effective together. Socialist and capitalist can both be good or evil. The devil is in the details.


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Bob seems like a smart guy. :) FDR's New Deal to this day is attacked as socialist but it established lasting programs and helped the U.S. get through the deppression.

European countries pay a ton more for gas than we do. And really, back in the 70s with gas shortages, gas was worth a lot more and people paid higher prices (ratio wise, today's dollar is worth a lot more).

I think every now and then people should not use any gas or maybe try and drive less. It'd be easier than trying to organize a big no-drive day, anyway ;)

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PIcking a day and not buying will not do anything..we will continue to use the amount of gas we think we need .
If you want to put some pressure on the oil companies you can do it as an individual and enough individuals can make a difference.
When you buy gas buy only gas. do not walk inside and pick up smokes, drinks, coffee, ice or anything else that would be convenient. Buy those items from your local grocery store. The amount of money we spend at the gas stations is unreal. The amount of profit from those sales is unreal also. They drop profits and something will be done it is a simple as that. Do what you like but think about what you do.

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now thats just plain silly rich.
that poor gas station atendent making minimum wage only gets a penny or two per gallon of gas thats sold at his shop. The way he makes his money is FROM the coffee and drinks and smokes he sells... so only buying gas at your local qucky-mart is just gonna hurt the small busseness man not the big oil companies.

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I dont know what the area is like where you are but here there are practically no small gas station owners theya re all deep pockt chins even the ones you may think are not..You make the periferal sales go elswhere and the oil companies will work to get it back....again your choice

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Someone was talking on talk radio this morning. Said it is just supply and demand. If the demand goes down, the price will go down. Picking a day not to buy gas does not make the demand go down if the usage is still the same. But I read the original post, and, since this is "Bike to Work Week", I will bike to work tomorrow. To get things warmed up a bit, I carpooled two days this week. And, yes, I did not buy gas on Tuesday :P

Obligatory blacksmith content :cool: : I came up with another way to cut down on oil usage. I posted it in the formulas forum.

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Perhaps we have it all wrong. To not purchase a product on a given day does nothing. However, if for example everyone chose to not purchase anything from from a specific outlet, say Sunoco or Walmart or what have you, and not purchase anything for a month, the pressure on that particular retailer as a whole would be impacted. The overall market would still be the same, though one whole month without any sales to a major company is devastating. If one wants to make war on any given ideal or entity, the wall is much easier to erode if it is done one brick at a time, rather than trying to throw one's self against its enormity.
The idea in Canada was to not purchase fuel for a week from Petro Canada, yet, as is universally the case, no one could agree on which week. (sigh) We all have the government we deserve.

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Most of the gasoline taxes go to road repair; the roads need constant repair because we drive so much. Want to cut your gas bill? Drive less and buy energy efficient cars. However, if you want to get the Republicans out of the Whitehouse, that will probably help too. Both Bush Sr. and the Shrub have strong ties to the oil business.

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One thing that might work, rather than boycotting a particular day, is to boycott a particular company. Namely the largest. How bout we boycott Exxon or Mobile and force them too start a good old fashion gas war!! ;)

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Sam, thats exactly how it worked in the pre-embargo days of -40-cent-per-gallon gas. (Aging myself now ;)) Only the oil companies did it for another reason. I think it was called Capitalism and Competition LOL

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