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I Forge Iron


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  • Location
    Blackwater, VA
  • Interests
    Iron and ATVs
  • Occupation
    Settlement Agent

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  1. White Pine, TN is where log home is and I live in Lee County, VA.
  2. Wow, that is really cool! I will see what I can find out and let you guys know. Thank you so much!
  3. I found this while dismantling an old log structure in eastern TN. It must have been in the chinking and my first thought was that is was a spear point but that seemed like a rare thing to find, so I thought maybe a letter opener. It has a flat side on the blade with the other side having a triangular profile. The two notches make me think of attaching a spearhead using sinew, as in an arrow. I think it may be wrought iron due to the grain and lack of oxidation. What do you guys think? Sorry for the crappy pics.
  4. I took a look at some of the pictures and looked like a great time. I have met Mr. Morse and have to say that his hospitality is still making an impression on me. Anyway, just thought I would drop in and say that. One day we'll make it up there!
  5. Wow, these bundle welds are really amazing!
  6. Killer! Dragon > Rooster
  7. Peyton, I just saw the new site and it looks great. The school has me itching to take some more classes. Really great line up and man would it be a treat to be able to take of the time in November to see Brian work in person!!
  8. Your work is just amazing! So clean.
  9. Mr. Powers, why u hate-n on the spike blades? :D
  10. Hahahah, as much as I like hot dogs, that might be a good idea.
  11. Sweet, feels good huh? Forge On!
  12. Hello, and welcome. You will find lots of help here, these guys are always willing to help. Why only keeping one? :D
  13. I really like Mr. Blandford's writing and illustration, I have another book from him that does a very good job of explaining different tools and their uses but I can't think of the title.
  14. I can't wait until Vol. II is out!!
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