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I Forge Iron

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I don't have an anvil yet but I just couldn't stand it anymore. I used a hammer head and a peice of scrap and made these tongs. I guess you could say my anvil is a piece of scrap. The tongs work is about their only saving grace. But now maybe I can use them to make some better tongs.

I punched the hole for the rivet and used a blue steel machine screw. Punching was work and I think I'll mount those two tiny little plugs as a trophy!



I don't see anything wrong with those, they'll serve well for many years to come. Your field expedient anvil is perfectly serviceable as well,I've used and made worse. The cross pein on end pein up, makes a dandy fullering die.

Frosty The Lucky.


Considering that I'm lousy at making tongs, you're first set is very impressive. That you did it with so little "professional" tooling makes it even more so. Fantastic.

What kind of metal did you use for them?


Considering that I'm lousy at making tongs, you're first set is very impressive. That you did it with so little "professional" tooling makes it even more so. Fantastic.

What kind of metal did you use for them?

I used 1/2" round 1018. I need to draw out the reigns and form them a bunch more. I used them today to start forging my fire poker. They work... barely but at least I'm not saying, "@#$% that's hot" as much. :D

Thanks for the encouragement. Yesterday I finished my fire poker and made a coal rake. I also upgraded my anvil. I remembered I had a half inch thick piece of wrought or cast iron so I cut a six inch long piece. Doubling the weight of my anvil made a big difference. :lol: I posted a pic to show the tools made by the tool and the new improved anvil. I think today I may make another set of tongs. I used the side of my anvil stump to bend the coal rake. Smokey but effective.



Broke down and used a Wilton vise as anvil today. Amazing how much more metal I can move with something that resists the hammer better. That is until I broke the swivel. I spent the rest of my forging time welding my vise base back together. It worked and we'll see how long until I break something else on the vise. I'm close to getting my anvil and then I'll have some things to post.


Hey there! There is a guy down in Glasgow Kentucky with anvils for sale. Look on bowling green craigslist. Not sure of his prices, but you might give that a try.

Having said that, you certainly made the best of what you have, and turned out a nice looking piece of hardware.


Thanks Fiery, I'll look him up. I'm actually in the process of getting an anvil. I'll find out this week if it's going to happen for sure or if I have to go to plan B. I've got a local ferrier supply store that is supposed to order a 200 lb Smithy Special with his annual order so I don't have to pay shipping and he gave me a good price. If that falls through it's back to searching as I've done for now two years. I'd like to make a road trip one of these days and get up your way. I can't get directions from the State Highway department since they don't know where Paducah or Columbia is since it isn't Frankfort, Lexington or Louisville. :o

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