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i want to make a cross bow. im going to ask my old woodworking teacher to make me an oak stock for it, and ive already figured out the trigger assembly. but my question was: the limbs, they used to be made from a springy steel and ive no idea what i have around here to work or if id have to special order it, and even then i dont know how to go about forging it. i was wondering if anyone here knew anything i could use. i want to keep this thing as historically accurate to medieval times as possible. i also want to forge the bolts from 1/4-3/8" steel depending on what i need for it. ive got the basic idea for the steel bolts down, heavier on the head than the fletched end. i planned on shooting these as opposed to store bought bolts or wooden bolts just because it would be easier for me to just make and grind a head on them as opposed to making the shafts and heads and flights. its also hopefully, going to end up being cheaper than buying a set of bolts for it.

how do i make the limbs, and is there a certain equation i have to use for them?
and can i make the bolts from steel?


have you checked the local laws on this? it is a controled weapon in many places. Also you are underage for one, also in the US only Handicap people can hunt with them,for another issue to face, as anyone else can get in real trouble. Third, if you have to ask about the stability of various spring steels. you are not ready to attempt a weapon with that much stored energy to kill you or any other user.

addition: I was in error about the legality of hunting with these, I stand corrected.


Very tricky project, Owen Bush who posts here makes (specialises in) them, Ive seen some of his and discussed them with him, some seriously complicated geometry, and spot on heat treatment required.

I would be very cautious of trying to make one as the risks are very high when you get it wrong! (take a real cheap plastic ruler, then hold it infront of your face and bend it untill it nearly snaps..... if you dont wince or squint you probably have the stones to fire a questionable quality crossbow :D )

Be nice if Owen posted some pics of his bows (please!) - I dont think I have seen any online........


Once again I feel Ram is attempting to involve us in a dangerous Project and like in the past I will not give him any how-to advice for this. I have suggested he somehow work out a way to let us know he has parental permission for dangerous items. He has never attempted to do that.
I simply cannot think of a reason to provide more information for these projects.
Ram if you need any help with basic smithing projects I for one will again post things I believe you will learn from.


Also once he did agree to have his parents talk to us, to let us know they approved. The deal was made that we would help with their permission, so he agreed and all was fine until.... after the when we added that if we found out he faked their comments (Like with Ebstines Mother) and/or approval, he would be banned from the site. Then then they became suddenly unavailable to talk to us, and they have also remained so. Strange how that worked out.

US only Handicap people can hunt with them

ROFL WHAT>!?!? of all the xbow hunters I know None of them are handicapped where are you getting this info?

I understand this forum likes to play like sesame street and is one of the reasons I tend to go elsewhere these days, but man what people do in there own home or under there parents roof for that matter is the problem of the parents, if they dont get smart info here they can get bad info elsewhere trying to police the internet is a joke.


For anyone wondering.

Indiana Law enforcement officer told me cross bow hunting is only for handicap, I dont use one, I use Long bow.

Calling I Forge Iron Sesame Street? Why? because we attempt to teach children rather that run them off? You claiming it is not our problem if a child gets hurt following advise we give sadly says a lot about your morals. I feel sorry for any ones children near your shop if you really believe that.


Michigan opened up the laws for them last year. everyone I know who hunts bow is now a cross bow hunter. our state says the limit is like 280ft per second but I know guys who are pulling 420ft. thats slinging some bolts. as for the handicap laws? they have so many holes in them its up to the interpitation of the LEO in most cases and unless you have a permit signed by a judge/doctor you get a ticket or worse.


Most states allow crossbows now but only a couple of decades ago they were banned most places save for Arkansas where the American Crossbow association was headquartered. (Having one in the field was considered an admission of poaching!)

Note that for a hunting bow there are strict requirements for things like minimum poundage and a positive safety---so a medieval bow won't pass the safety requirement! (BTW there are complete plans for a medieval hunting crossbow in Sir Ralph Walter Payne-Gallway's "The Crossbow".) Steel bolts are not medieval (save for very rare outliers)

If you are ever around central NM ask me to show you my renaissance German quarrel point. It quite clearly shows how they forged it from real wrought iron.

If you wish to build your own there are places that will sell prods. BUY ONE! That is not an area to try to save money as even a minor hospital ER visit will end up costing many times the price of a good prod!


not to disparage any leo or dnr, but on many occasions i've received "incorrect" information from such an individual. a leo has enough to remember with criminal law without throwing game laws in the mix. i've also gotten "odd" answers to questions from dnr officers. some telling me what was legal is illegal others telling me what's illegal is legal.
i had a "discussion" with a leo about my cast net a few years ago. he was very upset and adamant that i was breaking the law and was giving me a ticket. i explained that it was legal but he wouldn't have it. after ten minutes or so of trying to convince him to ask someone who knows. i finally told him " if you write this ticket you'll look a fool in court". that got his attention and he left to seek council elsewhere... he never came back.
it boils down to nobody is perfect, and nobody can remember all the laws. it's best to know the particular laws regarding the activity you're involved in.


Look I wont turn this into a personal attack or some kinda flame war, my comment was about the G rating this place uses, and that's fine I just don't use it as much no big thing. As for who gets what info, people will find it if they look, to single this guy out more than once because he was honest for foolish enough to list his (maybe) real age and make it view-able is laughable, no one has any idea how many under age members we have that do not list a real name/age and they get any info they request hahah its a joke! this is my last comment on the subject.


Apparently Wesley is a "right to know" kinda guy :D

I don't know enough on the subject of crossbows to offer advice in one direction or another. I do know that in Alabama they made it legal to use a crossbow throughout the entire deer hunting season, this revision is only 4 or 5 years old at this point.

In the case of Ramsies he often seems to aim high. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. But when you're talking about someone making a powerful weapon I think confirmation of parental consent is a reasonable request. Some parents are strictly against guns, bows etc, even toy ones. That in itself is overstepping to some degree.

Anyone that has ever shot a bow or crossbow knows the force they have. The possibility of an improperly tempered piece of steel is one that I personally would not be willing to test. An accidental dry fire disaster. Who knows. Also, I feel pretty confident that I wouldn't want my child making something that I myself would not be comfortable with.


I did a project for a College Senior/Grad level medieval course back in the mid '80's where I researched and built a crossbow and then presented to class the information I had learned---it was either that or do a paper!

I used a commercial prod and forged everything else under the old "It's all just fun and games until someone loses an eye" rule.

The fun part was a surprise visit to a friend who worked as a departmental secretary at the college after my presentation---but still wearing my maille shirt and sword and carrying a shield and crossbow. She was perfect---she looked up, saw me and said "It's my Ex-Husband---RUN!" Nowadays that would probably get you shot by campus security...


No reply needed.

I watched other sites go through flame wars, name calling, personal attacks, and watched their membership leave because they were not comfortable being there. I have watched sites falter and yes fail due to lack of moderation.

IForgeIron went on line almost 11 years ago. It was started with the guidelines of no fussing, no cussing, no personal attacks, and later added please do not discuss religion, politics, or illegal activities. The guidelines do not in any way keep anyone from discussing blacksmithing, or metalworking. It does allow your mother, wife, daughter, or grand daughter to look over your shoulder and read the site, the entire site, and I would hope they feel comfortable enough to return to the site.

IForgeIron promotes safety and also points out dangerous activities as being unsafe. We push safety to both young and old, the newbie, and the Master. There is no project and no technique in blacksmithing that is worth being injured or killed.

G Rated - I will take that as a compliment.


here here Glenn is doing a awesome job and it is all our responsibilities to help parents who just don't know what there kids are up to. If you look hard enough you can find the answer to the question you want on the web. my kids are 3 and when they are 8 and blacksmithing I hope it will still be a safe place to come and share there work and ask questions


In Missouri it is legal to hunt with crossbows during FIREARMS season. It is NOT legal to use them during archery season. On the issue os safety if I were to make one I would buy the arms from a company that makes them for kits. The chances for errors are to great, if they aren't tempered evenly it wouldent shoot straight at the best not to mention the chance for a catastrophic failure. Worst I can think of is breaking while drawn and putting a limb through my face.


the ballista? i already know of it. and its arms were made from wood and it actually did have a huge bow, it had 2 curved arms that wound some sinyew pretty titghtly. though i do find them neat

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Posted · Hidden by Steve Sells, January 19, 2014 - spam
Hidden by Steve Sells, January 19, 2014 - spam

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