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I Forge Iron

My brother, Howard

Thomas Dean

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My brother just older than me, 360days!:) , is in the Methodist Hospital in Memphis, TN with Leukemia. His name is Howard and is a member here on IFI. It is the "best" type to have as it responds to treatment better than the other 3 types and there is a 90%remission rate. We are trusting GOD Almighty to handle this. He will remain at the hospital for a month while they do his treatments, 3per week for 4 weeks. I know there are a great number of praying folks here and we covet all of your prayers.
I have a surprise for him when he gets out of the hospital...I am buying the tools he wanted from the "Yard Sale" at the Ozark School back in March of last year. (long story there) He is getting a hammer with both Hofi's and Tom Clark's marks on it (IIRC) and an assortment of the Tom Tongs. Not sure how long it will take for him to get to use them but it will give him some insentive! Also plan to take an 125# Acme anvil, leg vise, blower and firepot to him late on in the year.
Thank you for your prayers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Howard went home this past Mon. Feb 1. He is doing well, still taking chemo by mouth. Will return to Memphis hospital on Monday, Feb. 15 for chemo intraveinously for a week and should go home the following Monday. He is excellent spirits and really appreciates your prayers. They also got custody of their 2 granddaughters, ages 9yrs, and 20mo last week. so they are really loaded.
He got his tools the day he returned home and was so pleased about it. He broke up telling me about it. 3Pr new tongs, 8pr used tongs, 1Tom Clark hammer. was blown away! Susie and I were so happy to do it for him.
Still a long way to go with his treatment so please continue to pray. Ya'll are great and I am so thankful to have all of you as friends. GOD Bless.

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It's good to hear that he's doing OK. I'll keep on praying for him and his wife since the have the children now. That's not easy all of sudden having little ones under foot again and being ill. If the little one is still in diapers the smell must be getting to him so that is another thing to pray about. Life is tough sometimes but God's plan moves forward, praise Him in all things.

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