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I Forge Iron

Using a railroad wotsit as an anvil?

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I just had a driving lesson with my ol' gaffer, and took the opportunity to pull over by a railroad crossing near my school where, by the light of my headlamps I spied a small pile of those wotsits they stick the spikes into and put sleepers on top of. (Big rectangle of 3/4 or 1 inch thick plate with a ridge on either end and square holes for the railroad spikes)
Anyhow, they have been there rusting long after all the masses of too much construction material was cleared away 2 months ago, having sat there for 2 years before anyone bothered to move/use them somewhere else, so I looked in my mirror, indicated, covered the brake, and pulled over (automatics are too easy, I prefer the family purple jeep with pink lightning bolts on the sides, it's a stickshift) Then I put the car into park, pulled up the handbrake, and nipped out and put one of them metal wotsits in the backseat, and put my foot down on the brake, put 'er into drive, looked in my mirrors, indicated and pulled out and headed home.
(This whole time dad was rolling his eyes and clearly thinking "oh goodness, what's this latest symptom of the blacksmith's bug? ooh look a big chunk of metal, surprise surprise...")

THE POINT of this post for those as want :-) Now I'm home safe with the railroad thing. It would probably make a good big striking surface. How d'you reckon I do this? I have a pile of spikes from Penland along the coal train route, shall I get a big lump of lumber and spike it on top? Any other ideas?

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Way too light for an anvil. However, if I remember right, and that ain't always the case, Thomas Powers has used a rail car coupler for an anvil. Now that is a much heavier piece of steel, with a lot of mass under the striking surface. And the last time I was at the steel yard, they had a lot of cut off round stock, that would make an excellent anvil. Lot of mass under the hammer, and you don't really need that big of an area to work on.

Bob Harasim
Coyote Forge

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They are called a "fish plate" and go between the rail and the sleeper (AKA RR tie).

What I use fish plates for: I put them under forge/workbench/welding table legs on the ground to keep them from sinking into the dirt. I do know a smith who welded a box out of them to use as a hardy holder---Sq holes in them! as his anvil did not have one.

Bob you are right I have used an apx 50# chunk of broken coupler as an improvised anvil anvil with good results.

Archie it gets worse----one summer I was out of work for a month with pneumonia and as I was coming back from my every other day Dr's visit I spoted a 6# sledge on the side of the road. So I told my wife to pull over and let me go get it---took about 10 minutes to drag it back to the car and I had to rest before I could pick it up and put it inside; then I went home and slept for several hours---my HMO didn't believe in hospitalizing folks...


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  • 11 months later...

last night I found my self looking at news from 2004 abana conference on anvilfire saw some really good examples of railroad tie anvils, and some really bad examples too. Round my shop the plates you mentioned are used in the asphalt to keep motorcycles from sinking into the soft hot asphalt and falling over.

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I have always found that the melting and burning, highly toxic, cresote of RR ties made for a bad anvil though I have seen some neat ones made from RR rails.

Currently several of my anvils use baulks from RR bridges, bigger than ties) for stumps as big trees are not so common out here in the desert.

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I have one in the shop attached to the back of my leg vise stand. I cut and filed some larger square holes in the middle section, welded straight sleeves to the back of some, and welded on a pipe to use as a leg similar to the vise. This way, I have 3/4, 7/8, 1, 1 1/4, and 1 1/2" square holes available for use. I use it as a hardy plate or sheet metal stake plate for shop-built stakes (no taper).

I could see them being an awsome welding/acorn table if you had enough of them and a big welder. Cleaning up or adding square holes would be a great application for a die filer. I'd love to have one.

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It is just a matter of putting several plates together in some sort of pattern 3x3, 3x4, 4x6, etc and welding them in place. A support on the underside is very important as are good stable legs. The rr spikes can than be dropped into the holes for whatever purpose you dream up. A quick cheap acorn platten.

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