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Roger Lorance firepot, swage blocks

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Brian Brazeal asked me to post these, because i am able to scan into my computer. These are the firepots that the Brazeal Brothers swear by. The prices are very reasonable. I am definitely ordering one of the fire pots, for the fire pot complete with clinker breaker and tyere and ash dump, its a great deal. I looked at Brian Brazeals set up while i was visiting, and it is a super stout set up.










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I have the Roger Lorance firepot and also the B-2 swage block. I bought both of them about 12 years ago from Roger at one of our IVBA blacksmithing functions. Roger is one of the early members and mentor to many in Illinois Valley Blacksmith Association. My swage block is so versatile I have never felt that I needed a different one. The firepot would last a lifetime or 2.

Roger Lorance
email: [email protected]

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Forgive my ignorance, but are the depressions on the edges of the swage blocks to be accompanied by a top fuller in order to make rounds, etc?

Like most things, the answer is, it depends. Usually I use the depressions with only a hammer and not a top tool for making chisels, bending and forming. :D
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I could not confirm that they were current prices.

If items are listed FOR SALE, with the price and address, and order information provided, that is advertising. Rather than delete this post, I deleted the prices. It does not benefit anyone to have out of date information or dead links. If the contact information can not be verified, it also will be deleted. Following up on the information posted is done so the post is kept up to date and useful.

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If any of this previous information is deleted, or deemed not acceptable due to iforge rules, you guys can pm me for contact info for Roger Lorance. I don't see how it could be because Hoffi hammers are regularly priced and ordered through this site. This is simply something Roger does to provide people with a great product, he doesn't make alot of these items, and doesn't always stock them.

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IForgeIron is the North American distributor for Hofi hammers. Mr Hofi provides IForgeIron a portion of the sale price of EACH hammer to help off set the costs of keeping the IForgeIron site on line. If Roger would like the same opportunity, have him contact me.

I have taken the prices of the Lorance products off line until such time I can reach Roger and discuss this matter off line.

Ironstein, as you seem to be acting as the sales representative for Mr Lorance, please contact me off line so we can discuss the advertising fees due to the site.

IForgeIron site Administrator

Please check your pm

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apparently rules have been violated. My appologies. Am i still allowed on this site? My private messages have been turned off. Glenn, had you pm'ed me when i started this thread, i would have been informed of my error and no further post would have occurred. My appologies, i am no acting agent for Roger Lorance, just thought he was selling some thing at a price that was affordable. Lesson learned.

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The entire discussion has taken just over 24 hours, which is not enough time to contact those involved and discuss the issues. Steps were taken in order to slow things down and let the inquiries made, and discussions, catch up to the thread.

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It looks like I've missed a few posts. I've been busy.

I was the one that asked Ironstein to post the info that Roger Lorance sent me, because we don't have a scanner. I've mentioned Roger's firepots before in previous posts only because I think he makes a superior product, and I was just trying to let others in on that resource.

I apologize to all concerned, especially to Ironstein for taking the heat.

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Good Morning All

Please excuse me, I was attempting to bring the conversation back to the fire box, clinker breaker and swage blocks.

I truly would like to know what the tables are for and the difference in the 2 pages.


Edited by Grant
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So ....... how much are the two different swage blocks and how can I order one ????


Mr. Lorance's name, address, and phone number are in the pages with the drawings of the fire pot and clinker breaker in the very first post.

Also, I assume the weight tables keep one form throwing away the brochure? Clever marketing ploy? They don't seem directly related to the product. Thanks jimbob for the heads up.

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I had an opportunity to talk with Roger Lorance today!
He sounds like a great guy and was willing to spend his valuable time to talk with me, just like most people who are found here at I Forge Iron.

He said that he had spent quite some time talking with Glenn, and he sounded positive about that.
Then At my request, Roger is going to send me some information about his products.
I try to include every source of information about blacksmithing that I can ( including tools or supplies) to distribute to several of people that I teach, and are ready to gather equipment and make forges!
Ted Throckmorton

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