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I Forge Iron

So, Whats your favorite shop Machine?

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I've got a lathe and a mill, both older than me:o
I always wanted both of these machines but as it turns out, I use the Lathe WAY more than the mill.

So I thouht I'd see what are the favorite machines for Blacksmiths. Dosen't have to be either the mill or the lathe, just whatever your shop favorite is!

It would be great to see pictures too.

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That's a tough one. what I use the most are the horizontal vertical bandsaw, grinders and drill press, welders come in next I guess. I could do the work of the first three types by hand so those save me the most elbow grease and probably qualifies them as favorites.

We'll see how the "list" shakes out after I get the LG up and running.


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I thought you had a runner with your LG?
Or is it a space thing?
All those great posts about brakes for LG's gave me some good ideas for a brake for mine. Now that I have enough power to run it, I'm hot to get it going/finished.

Hmmm. Fan, The hotter it get the higher on the list it will go, in direct relation to the temp rising:D

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The hammer's fine, it's my Ranger 9 that isn't making amperage on the 220v outlet and is in the shop.

I'm nearly finished with the brake for mine, it's a lot simpler than most of the ones shown so far, so I won't know why it won't work till I get power to try it. Seriously, it's a VERY simple set up and I have trouble believing I'm the first one to think of it. That makes me think there's something fundamentally wrong I won't discover till I give it a test run. I have my fingers crossed though.

I also need to trim the spring guard some and make up a spray catcher to the whole shop isn't spattered with oil.

Then I'll just have to be PATIENT till my welder's repaired.

I don't know why I need patience, I'm NOT a doctor!


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I would have to say my 4x6 HF bandsaw and then my MIG and TIG welders. Almost everything I build goes through the bandsaw and then it gets stuck back together with the welders. The bandsaw is a real work/time saver. It still has the original cheap Chinese motor in it after 3 years and the smoke hasn't gotten out yet :P :D

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:DExcellent Frosty:D
Still hoping for picks from the rest of ya'all. Nice assortment of tooling and sizes. I should have added "what do people like to make with there favorite machine(s)" But then I didn't think of it from my stand point because I'm still all over the place with what I'm making....

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hmmm have to be my bench grinder with a very coarse stone on one site and a heavy wire brush on the other site, can't do with out it use for hot and cold steel while i forge to clean and tuch up shape. then welder and drill press..

well hope to soon or with in the next 2 years to get my own shop done and get my belt grinder build and a disk grinder/ buffer and of course get a power hammer :D


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Oh boy, Metal lathe uses, well lets see. You can turn threads for almost any application, bore holes any size regardless of drill bit capacity, make shafts to fit all those holes, with a simple jig you can turn knobs for handles, use it to align parts for hybrid burner fab and a hole lot more.... As some have stated, the lathe is the only machine that can reproduce itself. Unlike CNC machine that can eat themselves.

Have you tried metal spinning on your wood lathe? That will breath new life into the dust collector:)

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