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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. They do a beautiful version of the Game of Thrones theme. Also got your Guns'N'Roses, AC/DC and Led Zeppelin to name a few. They really are amazing
  2. I'm just glad we can talk about a myriad of subjects here. Makes it more fun. Of course, I'd probably mostly talk about animals and farming besides blacksmithing because those are my main interests. I remember D&D being hugely popular when I was a kid, but I never played it
  3. Well, I'm a lot older than 8 for sure I spent about 4 hours working on that stuff the other day and I could sure tell it afterwards. I wish I could get out there more often than I do to stay in better shape. I found more 1/2" that I didn't realize I had in my scrap pile, so more practice. I will take your advice and go for more varied shapes also. The first pieces I practiced squaring, rounding, scrolling, tapering, twisting, flattening and spreading. And hammer swing and control. It was a good day in the shop for a change. And I will continue to do so. I do have larger stock, and I'll work my way up to that but am in no big hurry. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it as I'm sure many others do as well
  4. Even funnier, Jennifer. I was watching one of your videos yesterday and I was telling my husband how you work such large pieces of stock by hand and make it look pretty easy. I have several 2 ft. 1/2" pieces of round stock that I haven't really touched much. I used some just to practice skills on last weekend. It's not the easiest, but then it gave me the idea to make some hangers for my gate posts to hang lights from. I made two nearly matching pieces. Need to tweak them a little and finish them up. Anyway, as I've been working these pieces, I was adjusting from one heat to another and learned quite a bit in the process. And my swing was improving and getting harder as I went. I was thinking after this, smaller stock may seem like a breeze
  5. It's still in the 90s everyday. But it has been a bit cooler in the evening, which is when I prefer to be in the smithy. Just doesn't always work out that way. The time I have usually is right in the hottest part of the day. I'm looking forward to fall if it ever gets here. Seems like summer came late and isn't showing signs of letting up any time soon
  6. Thanks for posting this. Very well put. I'm in just a little over two years. The part about life getting in the way runs especially true for me. Life derailed my blacksmithing journey not long after I started in a severe way. When I finally felt like being back to it, it still was a slow go. I've put in as much time as I possibly can for the last several months and in that amount of time even, I've come a long way. The gang here at IFI have been so helpful and supportive. More than any of them can know. You are right also that it's not a race. I think the basic moves can be learned fairly quickly, but the skill putting them all together absolutely requires time and a lot of it. Especially being self taught. Although that is really not correct, as I've had lots of help, just not directly. I'm doing good to get a couple of hours in two or three times a week right now, but I try to make the most of it. I've recently run into some set backs. I figured out I need to slow down and work on the process not the project. And that is doing me a world of good. Relying on ones self is a big motivator for me. Blacksmithing is just one part of the big picture toward the goal of not depending on outside sources for things any more than need be. Anyway, thanks again for the post Patrick and I hope others will chime in on their experience as well.
  7. Thanks for the idea. That and something lake or fishing related would probably be good. They boast of being a gateway to lake county because they are basically the last stop heading NE I believe to Lake Texoma. You've got my brain working!
  8. I did very much. I love those critters. Well, I guess I love most all critters. I'm trying to get a good photo of the boys but they either want to be right up on me or they take off running.
  9. Definitely a lot to learn. Glad you found this site.
  10. That gives me ideas. This little town about 5 miles from us just went wet. Population probably less than 1200 hundred people and there are already 4 liquor stores open. 3 of them within about a mile of each other. I wonder if they'd be willing to part with some cash for some hand forged bottle openers?
  11. Haha great video. Thanks for the chuckle!
  12. Good morning to you too, Dude. That was cool to say Welcome to the forum. I don't know anything about what you do, but it sounds interesting. There is so much information here that it will make your head spin. Glad to have you
  13. ConsrtuctionK88, no argument from me. If you have access to free supplies and you can turn it into something and enjoy it, that's good. That's why I've been using it is because it was free. I just wouldn't want to give anyone new to the craft the idea to go out and buy it to learn on because it's so fickle.
  14. The babies ( kids) that I originally posted are three months old. Turning into nice looking boys. I'll try to get some new pictures soon. We are going to breed all three of my does probably around the end of October. By spring, we should have several kids " spronking" around as Frosty says. I can't hardly wait
  15. The mantises we have, we mostly find hanging out on the rabbit runs. They seem to like it on them. Dragonflies swarm here too. We have big banana spiders everywhere. And killing them depends on the spider. I ran across a black widow recently. I missed her though. She was also out by the rabbit runs. My sister has a nasty scar from a black widow bite she got as a kid so they are fair game. I don't have any pictures, but we have a large population of frogs this year and they like to hang out around my anvil when I'm in the shop at night. They eat the bugs that gather under the light. I have to shoo them off because I'm afraid I'll step on one, or worse yet, drop something hot on one and injure it We had one frog recently that looked like a prehistoric beast. His body must have been 6 or 7 inches across, and he was a bright, mossy green all around his mouth. He was pretty impressive
  16. I made a handle for my sons welding cart from rebar. It was so hard, we couldn't drill holes in it. He ended up just welding it onto the cart. I don't know if it was the material or maybe I work hardened it a good bit. Or both. It was kind of a bear to forge to the shape and dimension correctly
  17. Prayers will be said for the family and friends. It's so hard when things like that happen.
  18. Well, I do have trouble with certain sounds. Usually low sounds. My nephew has a deep voice, but is soft spoken. I have to have him repeat himself or I can't understand him. Hmm....maybe just low tones I can't pick up very well. Maybe too much heavy metal in the 80s Speaking of the 80s, good job on the guitar Das. A Flying V would certainly compliment that era. Heavy metal banging on the anvil now. But my anvil is much quieter than any concert I ever went to
  19. I use rebar occasionally because I was given several lengths of it. I make mostly door pulls and hooks with it. It's very inconsistent so sometimes it's an exercise in frustration. Some forges with great ease then you move down an inch or two and it feels hard as a rock. Crazy stuff to work for sure
  20. My ears are fine. It's my eyes that ain't so great anymore... I remember a lady when I was a little kid that had hearing aids. She would mess with the volume all the time and you would hear this high pitched whining. Everybody said she did it on purpose to annoy everyone. May be. She's wasnt very nice that I remember
  21. The story Glenn is referring to is great. Anyone that hasn't read it, should. I agree with what pnut said about the JLP video. While your there, give her other vids a watch. She is amazing I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th until my son told me!
  22. That is beautiful alexandr. As is everything I've seen of yours. I, on the other hand, am struggling to make simple things lately. I made a 5 1/2" door hook today. Very simple, but at least it came out good. Then just knocked around with a couple of other things. Seems lately I'm in a slump or something. I'll get it figured out and start posting pictures again
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