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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. We had more, but narrowed them down some. We do sell them, but last seasons sales were not good. We think the market is flooded. We had nearly 70 babies last season and over half went to the freezer because they didn't sell. We have always had them above ground like they are now, so I don't have any experience with that to share with you
  2. Randy, it's rabbits We have 20 currently, but are set up for more
  3. Billy, what a great car! Yeah not every day you'd see one of those beauties roll up to the shop
  4. I have a pile of leaf springs just sitting around. Got them when I first started smithing because I just knew I'd need them That's been over two years ago. The scrapyards around here always have a bunch of that and coil springs.
  5. Thomas, thanks for that idea! I bet your right. My creativity isn't always that great. Good thing people like you are here to help with that
  6. I saw a video where the guy had a bolt that was rounded at the bottom and welded at the top to some kind of heavier stock. He used it to put the tab of a bottle opener in.
  7. You could add my 105# Emerson on top of the Peddinghaus and make a tiny point of an anvil pyramid
  8. Thanks for the ideas Frosty and Irondragon. Food for thought! Lots of good advice and it helps out. Grumpy, I like your handle and nice tool at a good price.
  9. I just used a ball pein to hammer some texture on them. I'm thinking of different things to do. I'm sure there's nothing new under the sun, but I want to make them look as good as I can
  10. I've read about people using beer for a quenchant. I wonder what that smells like? Thank you Frosty. It takes me a minute to make the openers, but I am learning the process pretty quick. It's fun and it's really neat to have something like that in my hand that I made and functions the way it's supposed to
  11. We got a little over 4" of rain yesterday. Cooled off enough to open windows. Nice after a couple of weeks of near 100° weather and not a cloud in sight
  12. I used to work a shift like that. I don't miss it. I don't drink much anymore except at the company Christmas party. They keep a running tab and encourage you to drink all you want. No party this year. He's about to start a new job in a couple of weeks.
  13. I use an old turkey fryer for a water quench tank. The handles come in handy to move it
  14. Haha it was. I heard the "pffft" sound and I thought oh great. I asked my other half of he wanted a beer. He said not at 10 in the morning! So, unfortunately it was a waste
  15. Thanks. And it works. I went to just check and with barely any pressure, accidentally popped the cap...
  16. Just chiming in with another bottle opener. This is my third one. I like making these quite a bit. I'm thinking stocking stuffers. Guess I better get busy. My son works at the casino and he is friends with some of the bartenders. He said they would probably love them. Maybe a little cash for the Christmas fund? Either way, these are fun to make.
  17. Wow, very nice stuff Chris. I've never seen a crab made from shoes either. dogblazer9598, thanks for the info on what those pieces are. A friend gave me some and I've had them sitting around. They will get a second life as bottle openers now
  18. I have a 4 1/2" Ryobi. It's been used hard for two years. It shows no signs of letting up, so it's been worth it. I really didn't think it would last very long.
  19. arkie, thank you. I've got he point on the bottom of the heart pretty much down. It's just the symmetry with the branches. Hard to get them as evenly matched as I'd like. TP, I'd like to be able to put initials or names on some items, but I don't have letter stamps. Unless there is another way to do that? CheechWizard, very nice. I really like the profile on the bowie
  20. Shabumi, those are very nice looking. Good work. I made a bottle opener today also. The first real one I've made and it has opened two beers so far it's made from one of the things sitting next to it. I don't know what they are, but I have a handful of them. Already had holes, so all I had to do was drift them further. And some more shoes. I get kind of bored with them sometimes, but I haven't perfected them yet, so gotta keep practicing.
  21. arkie, my ex MIL was a truck driver and I rode with her up to Kentucky. We went through Arkansas. The trip there was at night so I didn't see much. But coming back was during the day and I thought it was beautiful. He actually looked at land when he was there. Land prices are cheap compared to here. We live in sandy loam horse country. Lots of ranches in several towns surrounding us and including immediately around us. Land prices are at a premium even for acreage that's not good for anything. We were going to buy a place, but we couldn't find anything we could afford with good land. Even fixer uppers. It's a sellers market right now. And everybody is moving to the country. I love my state, but if you want to own anything, you better have pocketfuls of cash.
  22. That's just it. This stuff was hard to spot. It didn't smell off and the three of us in the same circles had the same problem. It took real close inspection. Then we all changed and everything was good. I love my feed store. They'll take back anything also. I got a sack of rabbit feed once that none of them would touch and I knew it looked different. Took it back and the ole boy smelled it and said it was hog feed. (It was labeled rabbit) No wonder they wouldn't eat it! My goats get coastal hay. I don't know how anyone can afford alfalfa hay anyway
  23. TP, his hotel was in Conway, but they had jobs all over. He said he loved Jerusalem and Petite Jean mountain. He was so impressed with it , it's the only state we would consider moving to and that's saying a lot. Man, you've been busy. If we were where we could help, we sure would. I worked in the shop for awhile. Just practice. I made a little palm bottle opener out of a rusted washer I found by the shop. It kinda works... but it was good practice for drifting. Knocked around a couple of other things, but didn't go as planned, so I quit for the evening. But practice is good, whether your successful or not I think.
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