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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Tubalcain2

  1. I'm sure you are doing your best. You are a good man, Das. It shows in the care you have for your family.
  2. of course we are interested! that's a nice forge you got there.
  3. still praying. remember that all things work together for good for those who love God. if not in this life, than in the next. i know that you will be rewarded for what you are doing in the long run. hang in there.
  4. well i'ma minor and don't have a ''real'' job, but i am apprenticing as a farrier and hope to pursue this as a career. for the time being i do odd jobs, fencing, and handyman/construction work for friends and friends' friends, as well as making a bit off of smithin every once in a while.
  5. yeah, i know some fellers like that, too.
  6. i really like that table. good job.
  7. we sell used ones for 25 cents each.
  8. nice. i don't know if i could have told you which was the original.
  9. some folks use dryer vent tubing, but i don't care for that. i have a similar forge and i use 3 1/2'' flexible truck exhaust pipe and it works great. its all steel and very study.
  10. Where on earth did you get a steam shovel??
  11. you're just trying to make me feel bad about my lack of skill, Das. thats the best one yet.
  12. never heard of one. that don't mean that some folks don't use'um, though.
  13. here's the very first thing i ever forged. did it when i was 13. used a propane cooking burner as a forge and a tractor tire weight as an anvil. ah, those were the days. the only pair of tongs i had ever seen before was C-1's first pair of homemade tongs, which were just as bad. we all start somewhere.
  14. pretty much what TP said. you might also consider digging a charcoal pit. i had one and made all my own charcoal in it before i switched to coal. the best thing about charcoal is how clean it burns. of course coal is king, but charcoal is still prince in my eyes. if you do go with wood, you will want high sides like thomas said, and also a larger than normal forge pot, and a whopin blower.
  15. hmm. HBs don't usually have handling holes in the feet. not that i've seen at least. C-1toolsteel, you're the HB guy, what do you think?
  16. whoever designed that sure had some sense in his noggin.
  17. if you are using an ASO you will want to upgrade soon, anyway. just about any real anvil u buy will have a hardy hole that u can use for heavy stuff. jim's id is a good one if u have the tools 2 make one.
  18. the vice should be fine for light work.
  19. looks like you're ready to go. nice outfit.
  20. I'm pretty sure it's a Peter Wright. Just my two cents, though.
  21. congrats. thats a good anvil. in good shape, too.
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