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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by JHCC

  1. They had some other stuff that they needed to check with the ironworkers to see if it was actually scrap. Getting that to fit may be a challenge, but the ~15' lengths of 3x3 angle iron sure would come in handy!
  2. Worth a try. There are some holes on the tops, so I’m going to experiment with attaching some leather covers. If I can wear them safely over sneakers, that will be more comfortable than heavy boots.
  3. Also stopped by the college’s latest construction project to see if they had any scrap steel. When one guy looks at the other, laughs, and says “Give him that big piece of steel!”, be afraid.
  4. Although this doesn't work so well with anthracite, which needs a constant blast to keep from going out entirely.
  5. The industrial surplus place was having a sale, so I grabbed a nice Wilton vise, a pair of steel toes, and a box of about 60 grinding discs (originally 9”, now worn down small enough to fit in my 7” angle grinder), all for $48.60.
  6. Finally got around to weighing it, and it’s 122 pounds. The chains add another 43. I’m thinking of adding some shelving or racking underneath to hold the tooling that fits its hardy hole.
  7. Well, my using the opening stanza of Homer’s Iliad as a lullaby seems to have influenced my daughter’s decision to major in Classics. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad, is open to debate.
  8. Here’s my daughter trying out nailmaking, by the way:
  9. When steel is heated to tempering colors (between 390°F/199°C and 575°F/302°C), the surface oxidizes and produces colors on a spectrum from straw to brown to purple to blue. At any point in the grinding, did the steel change color and run through that spectrum? If so, you affected the temper; if not, you probably didn't. The shapes of your face and peen look good. Sanding the sides was unnecessary, but if you prefer that look to the previous patina and wear, that's certainly a valid choice.
  10. It is humbling sometimes to realize the limits of how much one can and cannot do as a parent. My daughter had a horrible time in middle and high schools (including but not limited to some horrible bullying that the schools refused to even acknowledge, let alone address), but as bad as that was, it has been amazing to see how she has seized the reins of her life since she went off to college. Should have known that you couldn't keep someone born in a New York City taxicab down forever!
  11. Those are some lovely anvil tools, Hans. Don't worry about being jealous of our projects: we're jealous of yours! (Although it should be noted that one of the nice things about IFI is how readily jealousy becomes inspiration.)
  12. Keep the drilling hammer (the sledge with a handle) for hitting chisels and punches. That way, you don’t have to worry about messing up the face of a good smithing hammer.
  13. Welcome to IFI! If you haven’t yet, please READ THIS FIRST!!! We called that a peavey when I was growing up in Vermont. I think it may be a New England-ism.
  14. FYI, it's "Ridgid". I'm normally happy to give Charles's creative spelling a pass, but we don't want to misdirect our neophyte.
  15. That could lead to some suspicious deaths, I'm sure!
  16. 1. "Smithing" comes from the same root as the verb "to smite" -- that is, to hit. "Forging" comes from the Latin "fabricare" by way of the Old French "forgier", to make. Both have long histories in English -- early 13th and late 14th centuries, respectively -- and they are, as ThomasPowers notes, essentially interchangeable. (It should be noted, however, that some modern smiths use "forge" to denote actual deformation of the cross-section of the metal, as opposed to bending or twisting.) 2. What ThomasPowers said. If you have a chance to get yourself some classes, DO IT. If they teach forge welding, so much the better. Forge welding is one of those things that is easy to mess up, and having an experienced smith who can see your mistakes and help you correct them is well worth the investment in time and cash. 3. You are limited to what you can forge with your particular degree of skill and muscle. Exceeding either will cause you an injury. If you're not getting a power hammer and you don't have access to a striker, consider either building yourself a treadle hammer or figuring out some way to hold your work while you yourself use a sledgehammer on it.
  17. Yes, but the rotary quern certainly dates to late prehistory. The Romans later took it to extremes (as they did with so many things, really), enlarging it to the point that turning it four men walking around it and pushing on wooden bars like a capstan.
  18. Conversely, a nice smooth surface with no deep hammer marks makes drawfiling a LOT easier!
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