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I Forge Iron

Jim Coke

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Everything posted by Jim Coke

  1. Greetings Again, Ya gona need a bigger pipe ... low pressure big volume... Jim
  2. Greetings Ironwolf, Just would not feel right... Don't think you will find one on my rack.. Jim
  3. Greetings Knife Maker, Anvil OK except what Big Red said,,,, Forge not so OK .... Are you going to use a compressor for air?? Jim
  5. Greetings, Leg vice spacer kit... Remember...
  6. Greetings Andrew OC, To answer your question.. The building is 32 ft square.. I know it looks longer but it is square... Forge on and make beautiful things.. Jim
  7. Greetings All. I found out what the hoop and punch tongs are.... They are for removing battery cable ends... The one I saw looks just like yours... I guess there will be no toilet paper holders in your future... Forge on Jim
  8. Greetings , I would have to consult with Frosty but I would say DOORSTOP !!!!!!!
  9. Greetings Ken, The tripod design is such that you can easy back it up to your bench and clamp it..... Just hope your bench does not move... Jim
  10. Great job.. I know a bunch like that is hard to handle.. Someone shot the cranes. Forge on and make beautiful things.. Jim
  11. Greetings again again, I thought I would add some pictures of the small 1800s wood shop in the line shaft building. I use it to teach students hand tooling. It is funny . I tell my students that this is a modern shop all the tools are cordless... ( PEOPLE POWERED) .. It's a hoot ya start a father/student team on the post drill , give them a board and they are gone for an hour... Never seen so many holes... Enjoy Jim Sorry clicked twice
  12. Greetings again again, I thought I would add some pictures of the small 1800s wood shop in the line shaft building. I use it to teach students hand tooling. It is funny . I tell my students that this is a modern shop all the tools are cordless... ( PEOPLE POWERED) .. It's a hoot ya start a father/student team on the post drill , give them a board and they are gone for an hour... Never seen so many holes... Enjoy Jim
  13. Greetings again All, Lots of questions John... You can come play with my toys anytime... My line shaft shop I built with that in mind . It has taken me 20 years and it is still a work in progress.. I have more shafting, pulleys, clutches, and equipment to add. Took awhile but I now have them.. Sure is funny Wall Mart doesn't stock many parts I needed... Motor drive... I power the shafting with a 5 horse electric motor... or I can also switch to a John Deere LUC engine drive...or I can use a PTO drive pulley from one of my tractors... Tried a 5 HP Novo hit and miss ( Belts flopped and uneven power ) Visitors.... The forges are always open... Welcome... Glad you enjoyed......
  14. Greetings Dave, From what my research has discovered.. In roll forming it starts bigger and ends up 1/16 under from finishing or grinding... Smaller shafting 11/2 down in normally fractional by 1/8.. I have had some say its finished rolled and some say ground... I hope this helps.. Jim
  15. Greetings All, Recently there was a post asking the value of line shafting in Texas.. I thought I would share some pictures of my shop. To me shafting and pulleys are PRICELESS.. because of the history... The long shaft came from a shop on the Detroit River that made wood patterns for the model T... The large pulley came from a mill in lower Michigan... Some of the smaller pulleys were a gift from my friend Richard Postman A.I.A.. Just think if our equipment could talk.. I have an early Mousehole anvil that I'm sure must have came west on a wagon... The history of my pulleys and shafting goes on and on and is many hours of discussion with my students and visitors. Enjoy and forge on Jim
  16. Greetings All, Thought I would share a few of my leg vise mounts that I enjoy.. The red one .. Columbian number 3.. Tripod mounting with a bar on the bottom to move with a wheeled cart... the ends are pipe caps.. works great and moves easy.... The newest one Columbian 4.... The mounting is the bottom of a scrap large drill press with an added tray for chisels and such... Heavy but can be moved with round bar slides... I have several vises but have found the ones I like the best are the moveable ones ... Bench mounts work but are always in the wrong spot.... Jim
  17. Greetings Frosty/Neil/3pd, Yea my shop is clean... The forge is one I designed for a small area . The lower chamber is pressurized by the blower and air is routed to the firepot . I can also route air to induce a draft by the valve on the side when green coal is added... There is a venture blow pipe in the stack.. Woosshhh no smoke.. The ladies love my white shop and I do like the ladies.. Forge on Jim
  18. Greetings Neil, NAAAA look at where the air goes in.... Look close... Jim
  19. Greetings Twodogzz, Line shafting is typically 1/16 undersize... 1 1516 1 7/16 ect,,,, The value is priceless... I have a complete line shaft shop and I will post some pictures in a few days.... When I post the pictures I will explain priceless.. Jim
  20. Greetings Daniel, I think you have an actor career in you future... Great video..... Thanx so much... Jim
  21. Greetings AH, I think it is the start of an after dinner roll holder tong.. I have on almost like it... ARTIST..?????
  22. Greetings Born, After flatting back side place the triangle down into the donut.. Lightly hammer and it will form a scroll.. It takes practice but it works well.. Pictures show the flat side and the completed product... I hope this helps Jim
  23. Greetings All, This is a small forge I use in my teaching studio.... NOTICE ANYTHING DIFFERENT.... Jim
  24. Greetings Two, The brace is for drilling through the side of a post with limited access... I got one... Nice place for the mice... Great find Jim
  25. Greetings Nav, Whoooh .... It looks to me like the whole face is missing... Normally you can see a deeper step... Be sure to test the top for softness... and take a ball bearing and a small ball peen... Proceed with caution.... Jim
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