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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Pug}{maN

  1. the hood in the front is 2 foot tall , the hole thing is 3 foot, and thats off the top of the table...im thinking it will let smoke out the front. i can always ad a pice to the front..
  2. ya ill do that , id like 2 rounding hammers out of it...
  3. heres the pic of the pices, looks like 17 or so...
  4. i have this big chunk of iron , should i make 1 big one or is there enough to make 2 smaller ones ? if i make 2 smaller ones how do i cut this thing ? i put it next to some other hammers to give you a size reference..
  5. got a nice gift in the mail today, first off the craftsmanship is outstanding ! i have flat never seen i nicer piece. one thing i need to know is if it is supposed to fit tighter than it does, below is a video... heres some other pics of them together, i will not be able to test them out till sunday or monday so stay tuned...
  6. Like I say I got about 20 of these. Looking mostly for trades. Any hand made goods would be cool. Stuff to hang in the shop, tools, you know. The other ones are solid no holes. Ill snap a pic when I get home..
  7. Ya I am not going to harden it. There to Beat on with a sledge hammer to make bottom tools not every day use...at least that's what I am doing with them...
  8. i have this thick slab of iron im going to make a Striking anvil out of... got the hole done , now i need to heat it up and punch out the square hole... stay tune.. if it works out ill be making about 20 or so of these...to give and trade to other smith's...
  9. just make shure theres no chips that are going to fly off when you hammer it , then use it as is and have fun !
  10. Good job on that, have a little bit everything in there, lots of techniques! thanks for taking the time!
  11. i have 2 or 3... going to make striking anvils out of them...
  12. i wiped out a brian brazeal style horseshoe heart i seen on one of his videos , now what do we do with them ? hooks ? just hang them ? any way heres the one i made...
  13. heck ya ! thats cool ! thanks for sharing !
  14. thats a heck of a thing there ! good work !
  15. looks like you had fun ! keep it up !
  16. i used a floor flange, you can put the 2 in. pipe right on it...
  17. the anvil has seen better days , be looking for a new one, the forge will take some redoing but will work nice when its going , i still use one to this day...
  18. about got the forge done, need to fab up the sides of the hood and mount the forge to the hood, then in the shop it goes, then brick it in...
  19. whell there is holes , but its not working , think the wire ones would move more air...
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