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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Pug}{maN

  1. got it in some paint and in the shop.... got the new blower on the old stand ...
  2. Who cares what you call your hammer. I call one of mine "Jack" and if your talking to me or working in my shop you'll call it Jack to because thats how you communicate with me..
  3. Ya thants simple if you think about it. I'm shire there's a way to control it and make it do the things you need it to do... And ya ill learn, but any tidbits I get now I can start to practice ...
  4. Nice stuff looks like you're having fun!
  5. i like the scolloped one , looks like its on the list to make when i go....
  6. Yes sir.. think ill reforge it to a bending fork! LOL..
  7. got the video done , i to was AMAZED at how well Brians cuts ! and like a say at the end of the video i have been useing a chisle to cut with and i can tell you mine was better than that but Brians was way more fluent and easier to use for me even being the first time to use a anvil mount hot cut, its whell thought out and as you can see faster to use... thanks Agen for the gift Brian , and i cant wate till March ! if these are the quality of tools i can expect its going to be a grate 7 days ! see ya then.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaQNJok5kNY&feature=youtu.be
  8. i work tomaro then sunday is the wifes b-day and i just got in a wreck , but ill get it made , just bare with me....
  9. Its something like that... I'm just to sick to look.. I just spent all I had on something and now this. But it will all work out. It always does...
  10. so theres 3 things i love most even over blacksmithing, 1st is my wife, then my kids, then my Truck, all other is after them.... so after a bat of one sided road rage on the hiway and he ran , i am left with this.... and being a 1989 its not worth fixing for my insurance ... so im just out , as i can tell as of now 2000.00 at least ... the front is in bad shape that one wheel there is bent so bad that when the other wheel is going strate that one is in a hard tern, hope its not a A-arm... it hit me so hard it spun me 4 or 5 times in the center of a 3 lane hi-way just missing 5:30 rush hour trafic ! people where all over trying not to hit me, took the cops an hour and a half to get there... my hand smashed in to the dash and its so bad i cant make a fist, but im all good other than that, just sore and mad... thanks for leting me vent ... chris pugh... pic of her before...
  11. It was never intended to be anything more then just a flat piece of steel on a stand to make bottom Hardies with 4 I didn't have to use a Sledgehammer on my only anvil . Hence no need for a work area...
  12. Wow. It will work grate for small stuff!
  13. Guess I could just forge it down to cone? I have a mill but I'm not that good at it..
  14. i like the look of a hood , and i have seen working shops with hoods , so they got to work ....
  15. i am seriously starting a regiment of a mile run a night and a weightlifting workout..ill get my forge time ! lol...
  16. i just set my 7 days with brian for the first week in March ! cant wate , any more tid bits i need to know about brians class ?
  17. ill get one sunday , i just cant right now , got this thing i do most the day think they call it work ! lol...but first thing sunday morning ill use both and do a video for ya...
  18. Sweet thanks. Sometimes I need to jump start for the creative process to flow..lol
  19. Haha never thought of that! That I do need!
  20. Yes it works looks good! What size was that hunk of steel before you made a hammer out of it?
  21. o man you got to see mine made ? its ok, as soon as i talk to my boss after he gets back from deer hunting ill be sending the 100 deposit for the 1st or 2nd week in march !
  22. no im still making it , never been fired up, just thought some one might have one like this and could give me a hood hight off theres... it will have a 10 to 12 in. pipe...
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