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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Everything posted by Steve Sells

  1. we have 15 inches or so of snow on the ground from this weekends storm. there is no off street parking here, we all park on the side of the road. My neighbor hired a plow to clear the area in front of their house, as a result I have no place to park anymore because the plow piled their snow in front of my my house, leaving 3 foot of packed heavy snow were I normally park. Police Desk Sgt said there is nothing they can do to get it removed.
  2. You need to research 15% phosphor copper as a degasser. The phosphorus is a reducing agent (deoxidizer). This must be carefully measured so that enough oxygen is removed, yet a small amount remains to improve fluidity. In addition to phosphor copper, pure zinc should be added at the point at which skimming and temperature testing take place prior to pouring. This replaces the zinc lost by vaporization during melting and superheating. With these alloys, cover fluxes are seldom used. In some foundries in which combustion cannot be properly controlled, oxidizing fluxes are added during melting, followed by final deoxidation by phosphor copper.
  3. there is more to pouring brass than just heating it, also what you use to degas it? unless you like spongy copper sheet
  4. He is upset because we didnt tell him what he expected to hear, nothing anyone can do about that entitlement problem, he already decided its easy and we are holding out on him
  5. It seems to me you are the one full of himself, I answered you in my first sentence. There is a plethora of information posted here that you have not bothered to read, or try to help yourself any, and you then complain when we did answer you, Iron is not a starting point for casting, Aluminum is a much better starting point. which you would know if you took any time to educate yourself, you cant just jump in and cast iron, as John explained its not a skill that can be self taught, and its expensive learning curve. but have a good life,and I hope you dont kill anyone on your journey
  6. it is possible, but the shipping cost for importing will be cheaper than setting up a foundry and the required safety gear, that is assuming you have the needed experience, which is safe to say you dont, else you would not be asking this question
  7. 304 is easy to work with, not so sure about forge welding, SS is not a beginner steel to weld, and the needed flux is toxic
  8. no good for any cutting tool., too small for anything except a tack hammer, save it
  9. for the record, when I last bought a used 1.5 Hp motor from the repair shop, I paid $75. So its not too bad buying the correct size motor to build a grinder, Save the Ryobi for a buffer
  10. I guarantee you are spending more for the prybar than new steel would cost
  11. I am just grateful I am getting back to work, even if its only part time, Next scheduled day is Feb 27, and I last worked March 15,2020 from CV19
  12. I had vision problems last weekend, assumed it was the new glasses I got Friday. But then I was using the rest room every hour or so day and night, had a back ache too. Went to Dr and found my sugar was 391, so I am no longer borderline, and have been placed on a 1800 calorie low carb, high protein diet. then I was warned of "keto flu" from withdrawl of sugar? Oh joy
  13. If you got moderated you were told why in the moderation notice you received
  14. Both of which currently are toxic to produce
  15. have you tried any of the many places listed in the supplier list in the Knife section?
  16. I also suggest reading the pinned heat treat posts, as you seem to be misusing the term temper
  17. various 10xx series have differing Mn , so even tho the carbon equals out, the Manganese remains, then there is the loss of carbon at teh surface layers
  18. TP reminds me of a story of a long gone member that got upset with the mods sending him warnings about his posting, so he blocked them. Eventually he got banned for not stopping the activities they tried to warn him about because he blocked the messages they were sending him. leaving staff no other alternative but to remove him from the site. so remember if you block a person you may miss a valuable post form them later
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