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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Loneforge

  1. A good draw filing technique can reveal a very smooth very flat finish that needs only sanding to produce a fine finish. Nice work keep them coming and don't forget to check out Knife Chat lessons.....lots of excellent info for guys like us!
  2. Looking good Theo, Fit and finish are getting tighter all the time! Keep them coming! Cheers Darren
  3. Good demo for your blades! That dryer never stood a chance! ;)
  4. The handle feels quite nice in the hand and my hands aren't that big. It was a commission job so I'm not sure what the owner's intent is......I can only hope that this little hatchet will be going with him on camping trips. My hope would be that any tools I make get used.
  5. No folding in this one, 3/8" 1084 core with 15n20 and 1095 clad to the out sides. 19 layers all together. Thanks for the compliments guys.
  6. 1084 core with 1095 and 15n20 on the outsides. Handle is Wenge wood.
  7. Nice job. I like the whole package!
  8. Beautiful Hamon line and well forged! Love to see it finished out.
  9. I run a Coote myself. I set mine up with a treadmill motor with variable speed drive. Works great......I think. Enjoy!
  10. Nice forging.....looks good and hefty!
  11. Nice work ...fit and finish are impeccable!
  12. Cool blade shape...nice flow. keep them coming!
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