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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Loneforge

  1. Your only at it a few months must have been very good months.....or longer months than I'm used too. Nice work keep them coming.
  2. I'm guessing a pile of time went into that knife! Nice work and some great ideas flowing for me! Keep them coming Don, they're awesome.
  3. I can't stop staring at that handle Don. Is there just the single pin or are there hidden pins at the rear of the tang? Either way that is some sweet work right there.
  4. Thanks everyone for the nice comments!, Especially Rich Hale....Wouldn't have improved this much without your kind words and guidance and the help of others .....you all know who you are! Many thanks to IFI for hosting such an awesome site with such an awesome community! Cheers,Darren
  5. This knife was to be in trade for the stone anvil in the pic......But......it went amongst the missing in my organized chaos that I call a shop. In the meantime I made another knife for my friend. All of a sudden this guy reared it's head in a bag of tools that was tucked away behind stuff(JUNK). Anyway here it is all done. Damascus twist and Ebony handle. The guard is stainless and the spacers are stainless and black wood micarta. The pin is nickel silver. Thanks for looking and critique.
  6. Beautiful work. Nice steel, fit and finish are bang on....almost makes want to re-marry.......
  7. Nice job....handle contrast is very cool. I try to shape brass fittings to almost finished shape before gluing. The heat from the brass when grinding has softened epoxy on me in the past.
  8. I have posted quite a few in the past, and will post more in the future. Hatchet is on the Agneda next. Thanks for looking and the postive feedback guys.
  9. Cool video thanks for sharing
  10. Also saw a video where the guy (after cleaning cable) put it inside stainless pipe and welded it shut. Forged it to shape then removed the pipe. It won't weld. Another thought for ya's.
  11. Theo when I did the SanMai on the hatchet I counted strikes on each side and made sure I stayed super hot when I did it. It took forever as I was doing it by hand.....Nudge nudge, but when finished it was straight and down the center. Beveling on a powerhammer may have been too agressive. Can't say for sure as I have never tried it. That is some fine looking steel though. Keep them coming!
  12. You may also try wrapping the wrought and only weld the bit, this is also a cool design in my opinion. Nice little Hatchet you got there and keep them coming!
  13. Love the wood on your knives...More than the Micarta. Just a preference that's all. Nice work!
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