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I Forge Iron

Hayden H

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    Vernon Texas
  • Interests
    I'm a maker. I cannot sit still, I have to be doing something constantly. I'm a finder, buyer, seller, and trader, of anything iron, or metal. I make a few knives, when it rains I'll fire up my forge, and pound as much iron as possible to fill orders, and make a few things for my own use.

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  1. Hard drive magnets are my go to for odd ball slivers and kerf that get embedded. The little hard drive magnets when stuck to plate steel cannot be removed without breaking the magnet first, work wonders on anything stuck to your skin. Used em to get metal out of my eye a few times
  2. A good fine cutting knife with a smallish blade (3 to 4 inches), for sure a large Santoku style knife for chopping/dicing, and a variable for a fillet knife for a cook in fine work or a large butcher type knife with a thicker back to chop thick cuts. My .02 cents
  3. Next time take a flag and some duct tape. Claim it as "Scraplandia"
  4. I think truly swords started out as multiple peices of iron wootz(?) forged together into what could be called damascus. They forged, and folded it together to get the carbon content evenly spread throughout the peice of steel. Atleast thats what I gathered from my metallurgical/knife books. I think what I typed is actually a semi-quote from Wayne Goddard This is what I understood, I am probably somewhat right, but for the most part wrong.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9CSu62rZwM&playnext=1&list=PL5C794843F35DD5FA&feature=results_video if you could forge the blade, and then do this to your handle with it thick enough to file into an ergonomic shape. It'd be insane
  6. I know what the second thing was used for, but not what its name is. They were used during WWI to alert the allied troops of incoming posion gas. I think the second things some type of minnow or small insect trap. Possible bow weavel. I think the bottom tray like assembly is either for some type of photgraphic transfer, or possibly cheese making. I do not know anything nor do I have an idea of what the first and last picture are. The things star/rowel/4 point turns and clicks into place.
  7. Sounds like it'd fit right in with my other conversation peices on my shelf.. That needs to be replaced badly
  8. Thats what I was thinking. Some type of chain jig or something along those lines. I'm probably gonna take a firepot (cracked beyond usability), a small blower up to the auction house, and maybe an anvil to sale as each, then a set to get my maximum profit
  9. If I remember corectly the tacks are 1 1/8 apart. I think it might be part of some type of stamping assembly maybe, but as far as I know John Deere never produced an anvil other than a London pattern and scythe pattern
  10. Yeahp, made the tang the entire length of the file to the tip of tail
  11. I had already ground the broken peice down to braze/weld another peice to. Upon attempting to get the peined peice out, I observed what looked like the steel had been twisted. Took it out their was a visible seperation of the tang like it had been stamped incorrectly. The grain looked like a peice of stock that had been twisted while hot around onto itself and not fused
  12. Its easily filable. From the grain where it broke and the method that it broke in I think it might have been a flaw in the steel. It may have been too soft to. It did flex the tang a tad. (enough to make it really hard to get out of the handle)
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