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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Donnie

  1. I going to try your method of making horse heads. They look a lot better than mine. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Gloves are for sissies....Just kidding....couldn't help it.
  3. Congrats, billp. Feel free to brag here anytime. Have fun on your journey my friend. Pictures. Pictures. Pictures.
  4. I made the inside of my brake drum funnel shaped with fire clay. It made fire control much easier......just an idea.
  5. That's a fine looking shovel. Nice job on the basket twist. Thanks for posting.
  6. I use flux core wire. No gas = One less thing to deal with. Just my .02.
  7. Look like "little beauties" to me.
  8. Cause it snowed here in Georgia! It may be a nice day for Frosty but not for Donnie. Picture of my little blacksmith shop.... Picture of my kids and I playing in the snow.
  9. Ditto. What Messerist said.
  10. Nice knives. Beautiful handles. The first one is real classy.
  11. That is a very nice piece, Wayne. Well done.
  12. That's a nice setup you have, ptree. The blower, forge, and crank handle is pretty slick.
  13. I like it. You did a great job with the handle.
  14. Donnie

    First Knife

    There's nothing wrong with that. I like the style. My knives are pretty much the same style. Of course, that makes my opinion a bit biased.;)
  15. It's a done deal, Woody. Prayer works.
  16. That is a beautiful piece of work.
  17. Paul B, that would be a good description. He was doing a demo every 30 min.. He introduced himself to the crowd every time as a "Master Blacksmith". Opinions vary.
  18. That is a nice blade. The copper guard is a nice touch.
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