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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Donnie

  1. "What is a Master Blacksmith"? I have only encountered one "Master" blacksmith. I know several smiths who in my eyes are masters of their craft. But, I have only met one individual who introduced himself as a, "Master Blacksmith". After watching him work for about an hour, it became very clear that my 9yr. old daughter was just as capable as this, "Master Blacksmith". Sometimes being a "Master" is just a matter of opinion. And now you have mine.;)
  2. Like I predicted, it's a fine one.
  3. I see no reason for her not to like it. Good job.
  4. I wish I did.....too concerned about beating the clock.:confused:
  5. I prefer the latter. I finished the handle and attached it at 2:30 this morning. I made the sheath today. The package has been delivered and the recipient seemed well pleased. It has been a good day. I like having a hobby that pays for itself. I hate feeling rushed. But, as they say,"Beggars can't be choosers".:rolleyes:
  6. It has been a lean year financially. I told the wife a few days ago, that I wished I could sell a piece of ironwork before Christmas. It's Saturday night. The phone rings. A previous customer request a knife and sheath to give as a gift on Monday. I explain I don't have the time as I will be busy all day on Sunday. They are not deterred. I quoted a price that should have turned them away. About an hour later the price in full is delivered to my door. Guess who will not be in bed asleep Sunday night. Be careful what you ask for. You might get it!:rolleyes:
  7. That is a very elegant set of knives.
  8. You will have a proud papa. Good job.
  9. Beautiful as always. Do you ever sleep?
  10. You sharpened the wrong side. Just kidding. You did a great job on the whole thing. How difficult was it to lace the sheath with wire? Like mentioned above I think the sheath will look even better when the copper wire ages a bit.
  11. EDC? :confused: It's too pretty to use.
  12. Frosty, My condolences for your loss. You and Shan are in our prayers.
  13. That is very nice, Dan. I like the way you did the transition from top rail to post. That is very artistic. I've not seen one done that way. The hummingbird was a nice touch also. An overall excellent job.
  14. Mike, you and your situation are in our prayers. Hold your head up. The sun will come up tomorrow. It's just another bump in the road, my friend. Like Steve said, "knee mail sent".
  15. The first is my favorite. All three look great. Thanks for posting. My wife says that I will be making a replica of #3. We'll see.;)
  16. Well done. Fine craftsmanship.
  17. Frosty, you are a truly noble gent. It's not often you find someone so willing to help his fellow man.
  18. Just make the best of what you have. Don't get hung up on what an "anvil" looks like.
  19. Now that's a fancy finish. Looking good.
  20. Looks like it's gonna be a fine one.
  21. Donnie


    Mr. Hale, you produce very beautiful knives. I very much appreciate you taking the time to post them here.
  22. I like it. That is one of my favorite knives to make.
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