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Everything posted by ianinsa

  1. Welcome Seth! hi biggun, well I suppose "local" is relative about 500 miles apart!, Different country, different language, currency etc. Almost like Mexico city (and more hassle at the border)is "local" to you
  2. LJ, bear in mind that the "shutter" needs to hold the weight of the wet concrete and once that has cured its redundant, however if you leave boards, shutterply etc. To rot Murphy will ensure that they block the outlet . You could even use plastic(ridged)fiberglass sheeting etc. By wiring it upward! Ie. Stack bricks either side and span a pole across then tie the sheets with long(12") wire to support them. When the concrete has cured snip the wire off and take away the poles and brick stacks.
  3. We commonly use precast fence planks/ concrete lintels as permanent shutters.
  4. Lots to give thanks for, as the saying goes " One life- live it" And my heart goes out to those who have lost those precious commodities " Friends, Family and Peace "
  5. A pleasure, I love Africa And its fun to share the pictures! Sadly the drought has forced many of the rural poor out . The beach picture is of 2 of my employees ( Zimbabweans) that I took for their first visit to the sea at a beach near our home in la Lucia, Durban l WIN_20151121_072406.pano
  6. Bg, that tune was in our heads much of the trip. Stan, it was 'interesting' as they say! 2 days and a total of 3400 km and we only hit one goat(luckily I make strong Bullbars ) far too many stray goats, cows and donkeys. In addition to the regular ant bears, eland, roan antelope, warthogs, buffaloes, baboons, monkeys, kudu, giraffe and Elephants that we saw. We also managed to avoid the numerous cyclists and pedestrians(many drunk beyond belief) near the villages and towns. At one point on Saturday we saw hordes of people heading off into the bush(thinking it was some religious thing we just drove past) when we returned on Sunday there were even larger numbers so we stopped to enquire " There is ice sent from heaven" was what they told us and everyone was taking containers of it home! It was hot 32c and sunny so we went to have a look. On/in the river was masses of hail that had obviously been washed there from upstream. The locals had never experienced hail so to them this was profound.
  7. Hi guys, Das these pictures were taken in Botswana in the 'bush area ' and not in one of the parks , hunting prohibited none the less. There are foot and mouth disease control fences & gates.WIN_20151121_073725.pano Aus, that picture was taken at the top of Botswana where 4 countries have a common border point those trucks(turning left) were crossing into Zimbabwe, we were going straight on the pont to Zambia if you turn right you get to South West Africa.
  8. Er.... yes , I happen to have eaten a few but these frogs are exempt! They even guard their young. Some more pictures?
  9. I don't know if many of you know , but we have been suffering a heat wave and a bit of a drought! However last week the rains came(and boy did they come) Any how I live in a conservancy area, one of the last few where the African bullfrog still survives , they burrow into the earth and await the rains the one emerged in my garden its "small" for its specie and is about 9" long. Enjoy, Incidentally on Friday a friend and I decided to "follow the rains Northward" so on Saturday morning we headed north thru Botswana and up into Zambia about 1700km overnighted in Livingston, Zambia and came home on Sunday! Long drive but saw in excess of 100 elephants on Saturday, I love Africa!
  10. Just. Bear in mind that a 'typical ' factory floor in China is in the region of 70mm thick on a well compacted base, that's a dash less that 3" so probably heaps less that a typical slab in the USA. So consider following Alan's sound advice? As he said you can always 'upscale complexity '
  11. Huh, whaa,....... forgive me my ignorance in this matter , but just what do you mean here?
  12. Strange, he doesn't look unionized? Humor aside jeans and a cotton shirt with steel toecap boots should be a minimum! Leather apron and gloves for occasional use and eye and ear protection for regular use.
  13. On Saturday I can show you some other retorts! A pity You couldn't make it for Friday as we could have done a burn in the evening! However it'll be an opportunity to strip the retort and take photos and to repost pictures that were 'lost' Btw. "good' charcoal is black not grey
  14. Looks 'zooty' an industry term !
  15. Hey ID, are you getting into the blowup.........?? Business?:)
  16. Could be she's just ugly and lonely, great personality though! To the OP sorry I can't be of help , just had to reply to Neil .
  17. Snappy id on the bamford z1, how did you do it? Read the text?...... just kidding, I recon i'll have it running this week, not easy getting rings ect. The Lister seems to be a sr4 but the specs. Are all over the place.
  18. I second the comment about Klingspor though pherd is possibly much better :) Klingspor however has a lousy business ethics that use/encourages lateral collusion to keep prices high so I try to avoid their products wherever possible just out of principle!
  19. I refresh the page and it 'rights ' itself, try it, seems like 'someone in power' is 'helping' idiot powered services just like he's helping the rest of the world! Over the edge and into the darkness.
  20. Glad that you're on the mend! , I think recovery time tends to be age related = the older you are the more time you need, hang on that seems to apply to more than just recovery time
  21. well the one on the genet ain't no Cummins! I may not know anything about Detroit diesel engines , but Cummins ain't no stranger here
  22. Firstly those 'clamps ' are just the biscuit I have 4 of differing sizes and wish I had 4 of each! dozens of g clamps and some very useful sash clamps but those are the 'go to' jobs. The press is definitely 'getting there'
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