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I Forge Iron

Folds of Time


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Slip Joint and Liner Lock, .....they seem like grandfather and grandson to me.

I ground both blades from 07.The handle slabs of the locking liner are Indian Almondwood (Terminalia Catappa) and the liners are made from 6Al4V Titanium.
The slipjoint sports bronce for the washers and the liners and the wood is unknown.
I found the wood about 10 years ago in the jungle and never found any of it again.
So there is not so much on stock, which is a shame because it is hard as Ironwood, but with very small pores, it sinks in water and works very easy, I wish I had 100 kgs of it.
You guys have a nice weekend.












...and here comes GrandDad....







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On 5/20/2023 at 3:16 AM, Will Brouwers said:

Beautiful. Wow. Something to work towards.

I love the grandson and grandfather thing too! Very fitting!

Thanks Will!

If you had not replied there would be 0 replies....so double thanks for that!


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The main reason for me is I've run out of things to say.  Your work always has a simple elegance which would make it look as at home in a display box as in a working man's hand.  Regardless of whether I comment or not, I always look forward to your latest work.

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The forum has been running slowly for some time now and I don't usually reply to knife posts. I'm not a bladesmith so other than looks I'm no judge.

That out of the way, your blades are as beautiful as ever, fit and finish are superb.

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 5/24/2023 at 4:29 AM, templehound said:

Thanks Will!

If you had not replied there would be 0 replies....so double thanks for that!


Don't worry about it, I often look without posting. And sometimes after a period of not being on, there are a lot of new topics or replies and I just don't look at everything.

It is beautiful work. Definitely inspiring.

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With out a doubt templehound, your work is always amazing. I've made some knives but none can hold a candle to yours. Sometimes we get stuck on certain sub forums but you can bet we do look at your posts and so far haven't been dissapointed.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sails. ~ Semper Paratus

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Gentlemen, I post since 2015. I post on other forums, but not that often and not for such a long time.

I agree with Frosty that activities in forums slowed down since a while.Maybe this is an effect of mass media which starts to swallow it all.

After such a number of years and conversational exchange that mostly started with your kindness of commenting my work and the nice response I got from you

I really feel  at home on IFI. As I realized I can say I love this forum and I want this forum to thrive and endure all that mass media hype.

So I feel the need keeping this forum on to be vibrant and fresh at least in the knife categories. All the other categories I have to leave with you guys because 

I am just a blade smith with insufficient skills as a blacksmith.

As a matter of fact I started to answer the post since two days and stopped while writing because all points I thought I wanted to say vanished into thin air.

I mean, where can I climb on a mountain and shouting out the need for response in the wide open and getting answered?...... it is here on IFI!

Believe me, fellas this feels beautiful and feels like home again !

I am once again humbled and charmed by this community, thank You so much!:)



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Templehound, I am not a bladesmith, but do use knives daily and recognize the quality and craftsmanship in your work. It is easy to see that each one is created by someone not trying to produce something to put money in their pocket, but by someone that loves their work and will not be satisfied with “that’s good enough”, but does not complete the project until it is perfect! 

I look forward to opening each of your new posts as one would look forward to opening a gift for a special occasion but I was slow to see this one for two reasons, one I’ve been busy the last couple weeks and have just scanned the forum during short breaks and secondly I overlooked your latest post in this section by mistake  


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I'm with you about Iforge in general, in many ways it's the only social interaction amongst metal heads I have. You don't have to show your blades, you can just talk here. We're good with talking, if the mods get picky we add something metal. 

The forum has been really slow recently, lets talk about your favorite or most used tools? Where do you get your blade steel, and furniture materials?

How about it, let's shoot the breeze for a change. Hmmmm?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Les L and Frosty, thanks guys for this motivating words!

It would be great, sometimes meet in the evening and have a chat and a cup of tea together.... if we would not being apart on the other side of the globe.

In fact there is a bunch of great guys in this forum who giving me a really good quality time whenever we communicate.

lots of respect to you fellas!

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Templehound, I also wish we could get together and spend some quality time discussing different techniques we use in our craft. Until then I will be forced to impatiently wait for your next post of latest project.

I especially appreciated one of your recent posts where you shared some of your techniques, such as using your vice to set the rivets in your handles. This type of information really helps novices such as me. 
Thanks, for sharing with us 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've only just realised there is a separate section for folding knives here - I don't have a lot of spare time to view the forum.

Beautiful work as ever! I've recently found some interesting youtube videos too... 

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  • 1 year later...
On 7/30/2023 at 5:30 PM, Simian said:

I've only just realised there is a separate section for folding knives here - I don't have a lot of spare time to view the forum.

Beautiful work as ever! I've recently found some interesting youtube videos too... 


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