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Burner Tuning Question


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Ask when propane is delivered and avoid filling just before. If they go a month between fills avoid week 3. If their supplier is within reasonable distance it might be worth filling a couple tanks. Empty them completely, once they won't run your burner take them out in a field, turn them upside down and open the valve. If gas from a different place works consider buying new tanks, 100lb. means you won't have to fill them nearly as often.

Weirditties in the propane is only a possible cause. There are other more likely ones but if you can't trouble shoot them away it's a consideration. 

Frosty The Lucky.


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I decided to step away from knives for a while and focus on basics with regular steel. I'm having a blast now!

Scale is now at a minimum. Two things have changed:

I started running the forge a little hotter and use the small amount of dragon's breath to tune by. (Plus my steel reheats quicker.)

The second thing (which I stumbled across) I've started leaving the rear of the forge open about 1/4 inch. For some weird reason, the opening helps the whole forge heat much more evenly.

I've attached pictures of a simple spoon I made for applying flux. This was my first project, aside from a knife that's still in the works.

Anyway, all is well and I'm thrilled with how it's running. I GREATLY appreciate all of your help!



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That's good news Lee. Sure the forge heats more evenly with an exhaust port at both ends. The flame behaves the laws of fluidics and having one end blocked means the fame has to swirl around a bit before finding it's way out. If on the other hand it can flow both directions more flame will reach the back end of the forge and more fire means more energy transfer to the liner which means hotter liner and BRIGHTER IR radiation onto the work. At the far end of the forge.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, it's been a while.

Today I found myself playing with a different burner design eliminate hotspots on the bed and even out heat for heat treat and such. (Plus I can never leave well enough alone.) 

This is just a rough trial. Next step will be making a diffuser in the lathe. Thought I'd share.


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Back to my original burner, I added a 90⁰ and another 8" peice of pipe to get my blower intake down away from exhaust coming out of the forge. Now instead of four nice sharp jets coming from my burner they are a little blurry and there's a pulsing blue haze around them. All threaded connections are tight and sealed with gas rated Teflon tape. I figured the fuel and air would mix would be MORE stardy and consistent, not worse!

Back to the drawing board. I think I'm wasting my time trying to make any further improvements on this forge. You can only make a wheel so round.. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

The nozzle is currently even with the refractory. (Other than where it has chipped on the left side.) No part of the nozzle was glowing so hopfully the flow of gasses is sufficient to keep it cool enough.

I can try raising it more next time I fire up the forge.

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If it isn't even glowing with your forge at orange-yellow incandescence, you should have no problems with it, after all :)

However, you now must face the really high hurdle of what kinda tricky name to call you new flame retention nozzle design :rolleyes:

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I would've had to had my eyes closed to see what a beautifully wide foot print the burner has though my imagination was going a different direction.  I was envisioning giving the tubes in the nozzle a little twist and mounting it top center in a vertical cylindrical forge perhaps with a domed roof.

Rarely have I ever found something I couldn't think of an alternative or an alternative use for. New ideas are nothing but alternatives. I LIKE new. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks guys,

I was initially doubtful about the new design but it seems to work well over the full range of heat possible with my current blower. Up until now, I'd never been able to turn it wide open without getting cold spots from unburned gas. I'm glad the nozzle works because it was honestly kind of a pain to build.

What to name it... My son said it looks like the beam from an alien spaceship, so how about BABB? (Blown Alien Beam Burner) :lol:

I'll know I'm somebody if I see [even more] poorly made versions of it being sold on Amazon some day.

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11 hours ago, LeeHene said:

I'll know I'm somebody if I see [even more] poorly made versions of it being sold on Amazon some day.

That does seem to be the new small U.S. business model, doesn't it! I suppose it beats drop shipping factory rejects from China, for a living :rolleyes:

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12 hours ago, LeeHene said:

BABB? (Blown Alien Beam Burner) :lol:

That rolls off the tongue more easily than say, "ETGB" Extra Terrestrial Gun Burner," or ETBB, " Extra Terrestrial Blown Burner."

Sold on Amazon SOME DAY? I'm thinking as soon as somebody in India puts one together it'll hit Amazon.

Yeah, welcome to the new world business model. 

I need another cup of coffee. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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Oh yeah but they don't mass produce them and show up on Amazon as quickly. 

Cheap knockoffs are indeed a fine American tradition, goes back to colony days and earlier. What kills me are all the "how to" videos by the clueless showing people how to make a lousy Frosty T burner. <sigh>

I only look when someone here posts a link to show the plans they followed. I only comment on the site if it's really egregiously bad. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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