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Should i buy those tongs i feel like iam cheating a bit, i had made one tongs wich are a litle bit thin and akward.
Are those tongs good to start with.
I think cheaper for me is to buy those and study them then to try buy big  rod and forge it.
Last time i didnt find enaugh thick rod to forge out of it.

When i asked seller he said they are 100 euros around 120 dollars 4 pieces. For our standard its expensive.
One solid anvil is like 200 euros.

Well i tough they will be cheaper. I will have to gather some material to forge it then.








My buy point for used tongs  is US$5 going up to US$12 for special ones---I've bought a set of titanium tongs for US$10 before.   I have 4 racks of them so far so they are out there.


If you don't have good tongs, and you struggle to make them at the moment, then good fitting tongs to the work you are making are worth an investment. 

At the moment I have enough tongs that fit the work I do. I could make or reshape tongs if I needed. 

In my opinion, if they fit the workpiece you are forging and they are good quality they are at least worth $20 or so a pair.  Seriously, what is your time worth?  If you can make them quicker that's fine. If not they are worth what you can use them to make. Sometimes a little, some times a Lot. Depends how useful they are to you and how easily you could make them or not. Doesn't matter if others find them cheap or can make them quick but you can't. You need to be able to hold on to your work piece. If they are worth it to you, get them. If you can make them or find them cheaper, hold off and do or look. 


Wolf jaw tongs i think I will pick only them for shipping but will se they are hardest to make but are versatile I think 

Like 25-30 dollars 25 euros 

Daswulf that's corr ct but buying 4 for 200 is worth like almost anvil.

And I feel les like blacksmith if I buy tongs 


Well i wonder how much it will cost shipment and all.

I bargained  from 70 BAM around 46 dolars with shipment to  50  BAM 26 dollars with shipment i mean i tried. 

BAM-bosnian convertibile  mark  money  value.

I will see how it will goes.

I asked for wolf jaw tongs (since they are harder to forge) and if tha dont end up well i asked for classical flat jaw tongs.

And  Charles its realy cheaper even to buy that blank than to buy  20 foot big  mild steel rod and drive it to home just to cut some small pieces of it for tongs


But devil is in details (4 pieces of tong blanks )  

Price   $34.99
AmazonGlobal Shipping   $71.02
Estimated Import Fees Deposit   $30.42

Total   $136.43

To be honest about tong here is deal guy who is selling this tongs  is just dealer who bought it from blacksmtih.

And he said 2 tongs for    52 with shipment iam now in huge dillema.

Wolf jaw tongs and basic tongs  for that price



Sorry Nat, I misunderstood. $120 for 4 pair of tongs isn't too expensive to get started. It takes practice to make good tongs and until then it's nice to be able to hold onto things you're making. 

The twist tongs John linked in the post above are a fast inexpensive way to get started. If you make the bits longer than specified in the how to you can forge them into more specialized tongs. 

Frosty The Lucky.


I. dragon forge clay works 

I saw one blacksmith stick welded jaws to reins , I can do that too ,but my material will be leaf spring welded to mild steel wich is what I heard not best options for tongs to be made out of high carbon steel .

5 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Sorry Nat, I misunderstood. $120 for 4 pair of tongs isn't too expensive to get started. It takes practice to make good tongs and until then it's nice to be able to hold onto things you're making. 

The twist tongs John linked in the post above are a fast inexpensive way to get started. If you make the bits longer than specified in the how to you can forge them into more specialized tongs. 

Frosty The Lucky.

Thing is to be honest I compare to ga to pipe wrench and tools that is harder to make and you can get good quality liep wrench for that price 

And thing why they are expensive is that they are sold secondhend (not from balckamith directly, but from dealer).

And about post I forgot to say I don't have material (bed part that is included in text I saw that post long a go good idea but I dont have material).


I think I tired  this before had too thin stock and it ended miserable, one notice you need to know on wich side to bend counter clockwise or clockwise because if you are lefty or rightly that depends too 


Allright i bought those tongs they are shiped.

Besides wolf jaws having inefective grip from side ways itsgood.

DIdnt noticed that you cant grab stock if you want from side way. They are kinda V tongs instead Wolf jaw.



The wolf jaw tongs are left-handed, and the flat jaw tongs are right-handed. However, if you find either to be uncomfortable, just heat up the reins behind the joint and hammer them into line vertically.

As for the pricing, there's a HUGE difference between the value of tongs when you're a beginner and when you've been smithing for a while. For someone who has four racks of tongs in all sizes and shapes, there's no need to spend any money on tongs unless they're really cheap. However, when you're first starting out, spending a little extra on some good tongs is well worth every penny. If you can't hold your workpiece, you can't hit it!


I don't understand what you mean heat up and hammer vertically 



And right hand tong mean hammer go in right hand and tongs in left hand.

And I find one litle akeard.

Maybe flat one 


And I will have to somehow fix this wolfjaws they are basically V bit tongs made this way 


But however it's easier for me to make tongs looking at these one 

Posted (edited)

I just checked Ebay and used tongs are not that cheap when you add in shipping. I have bought used hoof nippers off the same site with the intent of making tongs out of them. Since  I bought a few pair of them others have put out videos of how to transform nippers into tongs. Since these video have come out the price of used nippers has risen.

Edited by Mod34
Fixed formatting
3 hours ago, natkova said:

right hand tong mean hammer go in right hand and tongs in left hand.

Yes, that is correct.

3 hours ago, natkova said:

I don't understand what you mean heat up and hammer vertically 

Reforge the reins so that they are in a straight line with each other when seen from above. You don't need to take the tongs apart to do this; just spot-heat them behind the joint.





Look how they meet later at end in middle , i think those are lefthended Even if i do that i will have to do this again , i mean meet them at end of rens (where and hold it)  tp be parallel.


Oh thanks and i saw that reins dont go straight you have to bend them later on.
Even left handed or right handed.

They need to meet at same line if you get what i mean?


I wil lhave to reforge this .


So they can accept rod perpendicular to jaws.


But it will mess V shape . And i had to grind a litle bit corners they were too sharp.

Thats risk buying online, but i now know how they should look how thick boos how thick jaws reins etc.
Easier to made one my own.




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