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Pictures of Attwood Anvil Markings needed!!!

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After the long and perilous journey of identifying one's anvil...

-we've all been there: research, researching, more research, blood, sweat, the occasional tear, tons of ellbowgrease, even consulting the local witch doctor... and voodoo. Did I mention voodoo?- 

...I am proud to say that I'm 99% sure my anvil is an Attwood from Stourbridge, England.

To be 100% sure, I need (close up) pictures of the markings on other Attwood anvils to compare to the ones I found on mine.

So, grab your phones, run to your Attwood and take those pics for me...      please?  :-)

And if you know people who own an Attwood... or people who know people who...  *wink*

Thank you all, your help is greatly apreciated!

Kindest regards,



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Why did you get that anvil again? Wouldn't the blood sweat, tears and voodoo been better applied to learning to use it, or are you looking to get as much as possible for resale? The only time I put much effort into identifying something is if I need to find parts to make it a functional thing or scrap it as not.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Good morning, Frosty.


to answer your question:

-it's the thrill of unraveling a mystery...

-history (industrial revolution) is very facinating...

-When I meet someone nice, first thing I ask is "What's your name and where are you from"...

- I'm not the curious type, I just want to know EVERYTHING...

-Knowing the answer is out there somewhere, not knowing it literally keeps me awake at night...

It's like drugs and I'm the addict...

-It's a beautifull and amazing anvil and now it's a beautifull and amazing anvil with a name and a background...

-as I tried to explain before: I have autism...

-Our local witch doctor is very pretty...


I'd like to go on but then I'll be late for work...

So, enough with the chit-chat: do you have the goods or not?!! (grin)


ps: I'm considering building a glass showcase for her!

nah, just kidding...


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I remember now, I lose things. There' nothing wrong with researching your tools, equipment, etc. as deeply as you wish. I just lose track of things, in the recent discussion I sidetracked to my natural assumptions; a tool is to use. I know assumptions make an . . . I say that all the time. <sigh>  

Wish I could help.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Don't worry about it. It's impossible to keep track on everything that's getting posted.

There might be a way you could help me: as I was combing through here, I found a lot of posts on Attwoods. However, on most of them it was not possible to view the attatched foto's. "this item could not be found" or something similar like that.  Any idea why that is the case?

Or maybe you can give me some advice on how to reach as many ppl as possible with my question? Is it allowed to 'cut and paste' it in other topics? To spread the word, so to say...

I'm looking for pics like this:


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11 hours ago, Michael Hehr said:

I just want to know EVERYTHING...

I do know everything, just ask my wife.:D Just can't remember it all at the same time.

The answer is 42.

Have you tried this search using your favorite search engine. Attwood site:iforgeiron.com

I tried it and got a lot (110) hits. Here is but 1...https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/62399-attwood-anvil/

Posting the same question in different threads (sub forums) is frowned upon and considered spamming and will probably draw a warning.


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49 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Once when the software that runs this site was upgraded; a lot of the earlier pictures were lost.  

Thank you Thomas. 

I feared it would be something like that. It's the main reason why I ask for 'new' pics... I'll post some of my own in a bit.

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May not be, but I still wanna know! :P

personally I can only eat one large thick crust pepperoni pizza with extra cheese in one setting In thirty minutes but I was just curious if he could eat more?

id give an anvil to someone that could eat 42 in that time!

Although after thinking about it they probably wouldn’t be able to use it for awhile…

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Anyone who could eat 42 large, thick crust pepperoni pizzas with extra cheese in 30 minutes wouldn't have to wait for you to give him/er anything, they could just look at you, lick their chops and take whatever they wanted.

Frosty The Lucky.

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17 minutes ago, Frosty said:

wouldn't have to wait for you to give him/er anything

They ain’t never been to eastern Oklahoma then! 

we got ways a dealing with unfriendly folks that ain’t from round here Especially if they think they can just make off with somthin without permission! 

The critters gotta eat to doncha know? ;)


that sounds fun to watch I’ll check it out!

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