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Found this old broken anvil online not far from my place $150. I am a beginner with a railroad track anvil for the moment. Stick with the railroad track for now or get this one. Could probably get the price down a bit too. I dunno much about anvils, so tell me if it's worth it 


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Depends on a few things. Go see it and look for a brand. If it’s one of the better brand names and passes the rebound and ring test I’d say it’s probably worth $150. It still has the sweet spot over the waist and horn. If it passes the tests it’ll be a step up from the piece of track. Offer him $100. He might take it.

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Assuming Bayard is talking about New Zealand dollars $NZ 150 = $US 100.  As others have said, if it passes the ring and rebound tests it is worth it.  I'd buy it for $US 100 in a minute.  BTW, rebound test is more important than ring.  Some brands of anvil have a sharp ring and others, which are as good, do not.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Can't tell much from the picture; why most folks are advising the simple go/no-go tests.  How thick is the faceplate? Any markings on it?

You will sure love it compared to a RR rail; I have one, a Powell,  missing the heel and it was great to work on and seriously cheaper than going rate for a complete anvil when I bought it---over 100# and cost me US$40; it's now my loaner anvil and is on loan to the Fine Arts Metals Instructor at the local Uni.

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it depends a lot on how large the anvil is, by weight.  Here in the US used anvils, depending on size and condition can run from about $US 3-6/pound.  New anvils are about $US4-7/pound.  Assuming that it was about 100 pounds before it lost its heel I'd say that up to $NZ 150-250 is about as high as I would go but you have to decide what your own resouces are and when you may have a chance at a better anvil or deal.  Good luck.  Let us know how it turns out.  If you can possibly do a rebound test before you bid do so.  There are some very good anvils which ahve been damaged in a fire or otherwise mishandled that have lost their rebound and are worth little more than scrap value.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Keep in mind that what folks in another country on the other side of the world have little to do with your local prices.  You need to consult with local smiths!  When I bought my Heelless Powell I paid about 1/3 the going price for anvils in good condition.  

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