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  I'm going to construct a giant t-rex or vampire bat or something out of cardboard boxes and hot glue it together on the dining room floor soon, if I don't get a shop going soon and make some sparks fly!  Is there such a thing as "shop withdrawl"?  :)

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Most certainly!  while I have been recovering, my living space has become crowded with little projects that I have dragged in from the shop (mostly processing placer gold samples).  I sure am glad to be back out there again.   I hope you get some spark therapy SOON!!

Robert Taylor

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When I knew I was going to spend 89 days in Germany I packed a billet and one of the trial sized Borax boxes.  When I started having forge withdrawal I visited a bunch of "open air" museums and found a smith that wanted to see me weld up a billet. I spent a couple of hours doing that and felt MUCH better!

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Mid 1990's---not so much.  Of course I remember back in 1972 when I got on a plane for an international flight with two swords and all the stewardess did was asked me if I would like to put them in the coat closet...Now I get the full wand down and check for explosive residue on my hands as my insulin pump is not supposed to go through the carry on X-ray or Back Scatter testing.  The needles and vials of insulin don't raise an eyebrow...

Of course flying out locally we have some excitement as the University has a big explosive research group, EMRTC, and explosive residue of all sorts turns up all over the place!  I've seen the TSA  folks get real excited until an experienced agent checks and says "He's from Socorro".  They check everything else very carefully and then pass us on. (OTOH when my eldest daughter was graduating from NMT and was allowed to contribute school work items to be blown up, I got to attend.  Lots of fun till I realized I was wearing the boots I had planned to wear to Chile and was standing on over 50 years of explosive research regolith...and the folks in Chile may NOT be as understanding when I wanted to fly home...I went and bought new boots before leaving!)

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  Robert, spark therapy indeed!

  Glenn, kinetics sound like a challenge... I can make one to scare away squirrels on the bird feeder.  Although cardboard may not last long outdoors. No offense to tree rat admirers, of course!

   Jerry, your such an inspiration!  I think the Japanese beat me to it with Rodan.  Although it never had fangs.

  Thomas, when I get settled, I'm going to join and visit everything I can find!  I learned my lesson.

  John, what's wrong with white powder?  :)  


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14 hours ago, JHCC said:

That was back in the days when it was a lot easier to get on a plane with a container of white powder!

In high school just to prove a point to a teacher that it could be done I mailed a potato with a label and stamps and a baggie of white powder wrapped in packing tape with a paper label. He received both parcels. I don't think I would want to try it now though :D


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Back 25-30 years ago there was a discussion about the US intelligence services monitoring email; so a lot of folks I know came up with a sig line like: "plutonium, pit, radiation, atomic bomb" etc. to be used for all their personal emails to try to flood the system with false positives.  Now AI takes care of the weeding I bet...

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Nope there is a decided paucity of electronic "smart" things in my domicile!     I do not see the plus in adding "electronic clutter" to my life; I've already have too much of the old style stuff!  We don't even have a thermostat; if it gets cold you throw another log in the woodstove; if it's hot you turn on the swamp cooler.

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  Haha..  I agree and eschew such things as well.   However, it's exponentially becoming unavoidable.  Dentures will soon have a chip to monitor how well they ride on your gums. :)  I am sometimes glad I'm older.  Not always.... Just sometimes!  I see it coming.

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