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  Lol... Thanks Das.  It started out as a scarecrow before it all fell apart.  Funny you mention horror movies, I was watching "Man Made Monster" on tv last night and the plot was a scientist that gets a guy hooked on jolts of electricity.  I'm not making it up!

  Thomas, dont ever get caught up in one.  I'm tempted to post a picture of the one I had around my old corn patch.  Went round and round..

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Might be what I looked like when I got zapped by an electric fence as a kid. It was pretty powerful I think cause it literally felt like a sledgehammer hit my heart, and that was touching the fence with a stick. A different one that zapped me didnt feel quite as bad but still wasnt pleasant. 

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Das: When we raised horses there were two basic fence chargers in use: The kind found separating stalls in boarding facilities or fences around 1/2 acre residential "pastures". The other powered something like 10 miles of wire and were known as weed burners. Those would knock you out of your Keds. They not only had to deliver an unpleasant shock up to 10 miles away but had to keep weeds that grew into contact from shorting them out. When I had teenager ears I could hear the wire buzz with each pulse. A non-intuitive tid bit is, touching an electric wire with a stick shocks you harder than with a finger. As kids we'd lean on or touch someone, reach back and touch a wire, the victim got hit harder. Don't know why though it was explained to us more than once.

One of the gags we'd play on city kids who needed to take a pee was to direct them to a bush with an hot wire running through it. You think brushing into one is unpleasant? :o Yes, I've peed on a hot wire:wacko: I discommend it highly.

I love Ready Kilowatt, reminds me of good times.

Frosty The Lucky.

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55 minutes ago, Frosty said:

The other powered something like 10 miles of wire and were known as weed burners. Those would knock you out of your Keds

I got hit by one of those once back when I was working on the sheep farm. A memorable experience, to say the least.

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This was one along a roadside. It was probably the latter you mentioned.  The funny part was that I was tapping it with the stick to see if it was on. And that is when I learned that they pulse lol. I guess I got out of time with the music. 

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Model T spark coil?  We has one at college, our dorm had old wooden doors with isolated doorknobs.  A friend set it up on his door as a booby trap to discourage a fellow who kept walking in without knocking.  I was the designated "watcher".  So he approached, grabbed the knob and was unpleasantly surprised.  Did it a second time!? Got smart and took off his leather coat---unfortunately real leather is not a good insulator.   So I walked up and knocked and my friend disconnected it and I grabbed the knob and went in and closed the door---whereupon my friend connected it back up and we heard one last blast of profanity...

The worst one I could have had was when I was mudlogging in east Texas, the site was ankle deep in sloppy mud and they warned me that I needed to leap into the unit otherwise I would get a shock that would lay me out into the mud.  So I thought; the metal unit is hot and went and scrounged some wire and grounded it out to the sloppy mud and went in and pulled the main power cord plug.  Someone had carefully filed off the alignment key  so it could be rotated and plugged in creating a hot ground. (The following would be deleted by the moderators; let me just say it was an exhaustive resume of the unknown's family tree going back many generations.)  Not being a complete idiot I got out the unit's schematics and the multimeter and determined how the plug *should* be aligned; plugged it in got to work.  Unfortunately when the boss finds that you can deal with troublesome issues without having the company electrician hot shot it from Oklahoma City to south east Texas; you tend to get assigned to more troublesome jobs...

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Speaking of shocking, my brother was a mechanic at a motorcycle shop years ago. He took a wooden stool and drove a nail down through the seat, hooked it to a Model A coil. When ever someone new would come over to his stall and sit on the stool, he would push a button and get ready to run. Many times I saw someone chase him around the shop. Of course my brother was crazy, I had watch him shut down many of the bikes he was working on by grabbing the spark plug and frame at the same time to ground it out.

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When I was a kid, some of the farmers would rig up hot wires by taking the hot leg of 110volt and run it through a lightbulb and then attach it to the hot wire fence. I was too scared to touch it but I guess nobody died! Not for lack of a good opportunity! I think the wattage of the bulb dropped the strength of the shock?

Bill D. 

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