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I Forge Iron



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Stick around and you'll learn a lot...............unless you're "slow" like me! :D  Lot's of really experienced blacksmiths here on the forum  Many of them have been banging on hot steel longer than I've been alive, I think.  Good bunch of folks.  Be sure and carefully read the rules for using the forum.  This isn't like most forums and you'll want to watch your language...........even if you're just trying to be funny.  Other than that, it's a fun forum.

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Thank you 


So am I doing something wrong? been told about this in two of the 3 posts I have made so far? I'm not a young guy and not new to web based forums I always read the rules before I join. It's a way to judge the mentality of the members. I dislike forums that let offensive language go on, members dissing other members or overall improper conduct.  

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I don't think you are doing anything wrong. There's a few members who when they see a post from a new member they suggest the read this first thread just so you can get the most out of the site and be aware of it's peculiarities. It's not a reflection on you in any way. If you look through a bunch of posts you will see it posted over and over for different new members. Also most folks don't read it anyway but It will help keep the mods at bay because there's a few peculiarities to the site like not using the at symbol and the search feature doesn't work well or not quote excessively from other posts unless necessary. Welcome aboard be safe and remember it's supposed to be fun. 


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Yup, WeGone, don't give it a second thought.  IF&C always makes that suggestion when he see's a new person.  pnut was right, there are a "few peculiarities on the site" that you won't normally see on others and it just makes getting started a lot easier if you go read the "Rules" of the forum.  Welcome aboard.

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TY Guys,  I retired about 7 years ago. I told myself I would go back in life and start doing all the things I enjoyed or was exposed to growing up and never had the time to pursue. So far its been restoring old cars & trucks, wood working free form tables, canes and walking sticks (even built my home), farming, brass & aluminum casting, building high end water cooled gaming computers and now forging. My first exposure to forging was when about 13 years old as it was a class I could take in school we made a few chisels. 

Looking forward to this adventure and living it with my son and grandsons.  It's sad the schools these days offer no real skill building or shop classes today.  


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1 hour ago, WeGone said:

It's sad the schools these days offer no real skill building or shop classes today.  

Some are doing good to offer a textbook for each student. I took masonry in school. There was a metal shop back then but I don't remember why I chose masonry as my vocational elective in high school. We won the state votech masonry championship though. So I guess that's something. 


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WeGone, check around a see if there is a blacksmiths association in you area that has meet-ups/hammer-ins near you. A few hours with an experienced smith is priceless and prevent bad habits that may become hard to stop.
When I first started I caught up with the local chapter of the Indiana Blacksmith Association. I met a bunch of great people (two smiths actually live within 1mile of me), and learn a lot from them very quickly. 
Enjoy the addiction!


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Welcome aboard Steve, glad to have you. An eclectic array of skills and hobbies eh? Gee Whiz, ANOTHER blacksmith who builds high end computers. Say Thomas any of yours water cooled? Like jokes, puns, spinning yarns? I have the feeling you're going to fit right in here.

What would you like to make at the anvil? You'd have to try darned hard to want to do something an IFI member doesn't do for a living and we love helping folk with their addiction.

Almost forgot, we LOVE pics, anything you wouldn't mind showing small child. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks gents, 

Glen thanks, first is only a stones throw away!  here is a pic of the last table I did.

Frosty, been collecting old plow parts and other iron from around the farm this winter. have lots of large steel left form heavy equipment (not sure how I will cut it yet?) As far as first projects, nails, some tools or just hammer on steel until i learn how to work it.   



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Someone spilled their coffee on the center of that table?

Frosty we did one water cooled, the chiller was a 5' cube and we had to pay hazmat charges to import a 55 gallon drum of distilled water?!?!

When we fired it up it was the 333rd fasted computer in the world and took only one rack.  Some of the alienware stuff had low level water cooling; but that was a different line from what I did.

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Was an old White Oak that been blown over in a storm. Apparently had been struck by lighting when young so the center was burnt out, we found old coke bottles in side from the 50's and a locket from the early 30's,  The center is a cedar stump upside down. We keep a glass top on it.  

The cedar stump


My son standing on it be fore we stated cutting


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