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I Forge Iron

Some more tongs tonight.

Justin Topp

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Well I’m no good at tongs but here was my Recent attempt at them. The bolt jaw fit 1-1/4” square stock and the other ones fit 3/4” square/round. They were made with 3/4” mild steel and 7/16ths forge welded on for reigns because I learned last time. I don’t wanna draw it out by hand. These are functional but ugly. Still have several feet of each rod so what rings should I make next? Any tips? Also I think I should dress my punch. It’s starting to crack. 4EBD4426-AE7A-411A-BD34-14A2D2BA0BCC.thumb.jpeg.db7303482f3e1ae97fb76516a133a325.jpeg


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While the mushrooming and cracks are still small, dress the punch.  Mushrooming is the result of actually using the punch. Punches and many other tools are considered consumables.  Just make another one when you need to.

I don’t wanna draw it out by hand.  Been there, done that, and I agree.

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All ground away and cleaned up now! I usually get to it earlier than this but was using it for the tongs and some other stuff today so didn’t have time. But it’s all done. I’ve seen too many horror stories to leave it. I spent a grand total of probably 15 minutes from when i first cut the coil spring to the quench So I’m not worried about it lasting forever. I might buy some good steel for punches instead of coil spring. But it works for now. 

the forge welded reigns was probably my best decision this week. So much faster and easier 

I also wanted to say while I’m still not great I think I’m better than I used to be. My first tongs were so bad ha 


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It's not easy to me to make tongs yet either. I don't understand how that gets recommended as a beginner project. But I suppose if you have someone who knows showing you how, it'd be easier. Good on you for getting out there and making them. If they work, that's all that matters right now I think. 

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I don’t know how they are a beginner project either. I’m not brand new either just going and learning the stuff I should know. I’m just going off memory from seeing people make them on YouTube. They will look better eventually. I also finally have a butcher block brush so I can make them look nicer now 

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All day wasted. The second set of bolt jaws was coming along so nicely and perfect welds but than it wasn’t even so the bit didn’t line up. Than the as I was riveting one half jumped and the rivet upset between the sides. So I cut it out and re made it but as I was doing final adjustments the weld just popped off. Ugh I’m done with tongs for now. I’m out of 7/16 stock so no welded reigns and I’m not gonna draw them out 


on a side note  I’ve already gotten my smithing gear for Christmas:) have fun with your new goodies


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8 hours ago, GuardedDig2 said:

I don’t know how they are a beginner project either.

They aren't, not really. They aren't an advanced project but more advanced than beginner. I think of them as intermediate and challenging. 

You're doing great, keep at it. One day you'll have the AH HAH! moment and they'll become no sweat.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Don't forget that there are more types of welding than forge welding!  A failed forge weld is often harder to get welded the more tries you make and rather than losing the work on the tongs a more modern welding technique can pinch hit for a forge weld---yes you lose bragging rights but you end up with working tongs!

I think so many beginners try to forge tongs because they need tongs and as beginners don't realize their level of difficulty.

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I don't do any welding on tongs, I'd rather just draw the reins down from the modest Diameter coil spring steel I make tongs from. For lighter work, say coat hooks, bottle openers, etc. I use motor cycle coil spring, it's only about 1/4" dia. but plenty stiff enough to provide a firm hold on small stock. One of the guys in our club is out tong making master smith, he prefers 4140 for stiff, it lets you make lighter weight tongs that you can grip as tightly as you need to. Light, strong, tongs with good gription are bestest in my book. :) I'm too old and fat to want to pick up more off the floor than I need to.

I have some coil spring turned from 1/2" wire that make my heavy duty tongs and lots of struck tools: chisels, punches, etc. but I have coil from all over the size range, including one bruiser turned from 2 1/2" wire with coils 12 7/8" dia. that weighs about 450 lbs.:o It took a couple of us to convince it to follow me home. 

Every last spring I have in my stock is salvaged (scrounged) I'm not a large user of leaf spring though I have a few, I'm not a fan.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Most of my work is done with very short reined tongs as I'm a big fan of not lifting more weight than needed.  Only for forge welding and working large crosssection pieces where I need more distance from the IR emmitter do I like longer reined tongs.  My favorite blade smithing tongs have reins only about 12"  long and are sized for 1/4" stock.

Reasons for longer tongs in the old days; could be: lack of safety gear and the working of real wrought iron at very high temps and extruding ferrous silicates as it's forged. (The finding of ferrous silicate spheres in the earth is considered indications of a smithy in archeology.)  Also the use of strikers---they need room for the nodding of the head.

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Happy New Year,

If you are having trouble welding in the fire, Don't be afraid of a 'Stick-Zilda' or a 'Mig-Zilda'. If you have Oxy/Acetylene, it also will help you make 2 pieces into one. BubbleGum and Spatter doesn't work. Use what you have available, don't get hung up on 'I have to fire weld'. That comes in time. How many days did it take to build Rome?? Not One!!

Sometimes the Hurrier you go, the behinder you get.


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