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I Forge Iron

Good deal or good lesson on impulse buying?


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I found this Armitage Mousehole for about $2.90 per lb. This will be my first anvil. I believe that it’s in the 1830-1835 range. I can’t tell if the pritchel is drilled or punched.   I don’t notice any bulge but I may just be missing it. There are some pretty big damaged places on the edge of the face that look to me to be from a farrier. They don’t seem to be delaminating. There is also one on the step. It has what seems to be a great ring to it. The ball bearing test bounces back to about 90% over nearly the entire face. The heel being a little less than that.The weight, if I’m doing the math correctly, is stamped at 172lbs.  I haven’t actually weighted it. 
What do you think? Good deal or a good lesson about impulse control?









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If the rebound is good you got a deal. Looks like it has a lot of time left on it. Depending on which way you have the horn facing you'll have a whole far edge in great shape.


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As I have heard it is said in Vermont, "I would tap that".

I paid twice as much per pound for my "dream" anvil. The only limit on the utility of that anvil is the skill of the craftsman. 

If there is need for finer radius control, a radius Hardy fills the bill.

iforgeiron makes me smarter!

Robert Taylor


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7 hours ago, Anachronist58 said:

As I have heard it is said in Vermont, "I would tap that".

We do say that here.  Started as a combination sexual innuendo/ nod to our most important industry, but as these things do the meaning of the vernacular has crept to encompass most things that we like.  Tapping an anvil could be trying to get sap out of it, AHEM that other activity, knocking gently upon it, putting a threaded hole in it, or just really liking it.  Ain't the living English language great?

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