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I Forge Iron

Malware warning.


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I just got a message from a friend with a warning about messages going around claiming to have photos of President Trump having a stroke. Do NOT open them supposedly they'll wipe your computer, phone, etc. just delete it all

I hope it's a hoax but I'd rather reinforce the rule of thumb to NEVER open attachments of any kind from someone you don't know.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I have a sister that is upset I wont open her Emails , because she refuses to send normal message, she insists on sending  attachments because "its easier to make pretty" she is also always getting a computer virus. because she opens everything sent to her. then forwards it to the rest of us,  She finally stopped Emailing me things after I told her I dump everything she sends because it isnt safe to open

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Herr Frosty is correct.

The   SLAG  wishes to add an additional caveat (warning).  He suggests that people should be careful about sending personal and business information

to websites that they are not sure about.

Case in point,  Last night I watched an expose concerning the Publishers Clearing House  (PCH).  A local television station has a feature called 'five on your side', which investigate numerous businesses etc.

A person questioned the bone fides of PCH.  They found their PCH's vaunted million dollar prize is legitimate,  BUT   The odds of winning the big prize are one in six  billion . (yes billion).

 For comparison, the odds of winning the "Powerball"  lottery jackpot is only one in three hundred million. 

IIRC,   six billion is the total number of people on planet Earth.

Slim odds indeed.

So why do they do it?

They sell all the contest entry information to other tele-marketers.  And they try to sell all of us subscriptions to many magazines.

We do not want to think about all our information that is used by Facebook,  Google,  Amazon,  and numerous other "businesses".

Just a thought ,


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So if I enter PCH 6 billion times I have an even chance? Hmmmm, 36 billion entries should do the trick then all I need do is rent space for a dumpster and mail box.

I'll have to see what kind of paper the junk mail is printed on, if there isn't too much glossy then I can heat the shop with it in winter. I'll have to see if I can get my IT son in law to write a mailer robot for me. Oh, maybe have to get another phone line. 

That's not JUST a thought Slag it's a dandy thought. :D I wonder what'd happen if PHC and all the other scammers started getting billions of replies from everybody they bugged. There was a fellow I was acquainted with some years ago who opened every piece of junk mail he got and stuffed it in the self addressed postage paid envelopes supplied for your eager response. It only took a couple months and he stopped getting much junk mail. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Herr Frosty mein freund,

You have disclosed a very clever strategy.

But have you considered the cost of postage for the said venture?

Also, the possibility of suffering major writers cramp?

I wonder,

Gute nacht.


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You can subscribe to almost anything online now so no postage, or cramps. I'd need another internet service isolated from these though. 

I think a plan is coming together. Maybe the Iforge gang'll want to play too? 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I've thought about linux for years but I don't learn things so well anymore. I hate these plug and pray systems, too many decisions are made by some IT somewhere. I can't highlight and print a paragraph without having to wade through menus leading to menus. What happened to the computer just doing what I told it to? 

Frosty The Lucky.

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