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I Forge Iron

My first milling machiene

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A machinist buddy of mine spotted a mill at auction and let me know so i could bid on it. I had very little money so i placed a 180$ max bid and walked away with a legun ft-1 knee mill 2hp i think? Quite rusty but serviceable. I only paid 115$ out the door moving the 2600lb beast was a trick but i got her home. 

Picture shows her partly torn down for cleaning the knee is a bit tight all the travels work spindle and quill are in great shape power feed works and so dose the dro with a bit of cleaning and a vsd to run the 3 phase i might get away with a 400$ mill 



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I suppose it will come down to what i can afford as i am kinda broke.

i realise a rotary will give better power but a vfd is cheaper. It will come down to what i can find in the next month or two untill then she is a xxxx of a nice paperweaight. But it gives me time to paint her and fix the few problems i have.




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  • 3 months later...

i just was gifted a bridgeport with a 3 ph motor and a 2ph(yes 2ph, look it up) power feed. luckily i have 2ph but sadly no 3ph, so i bought a single to three phase converter and it runs great, now im trying to teach myself milling etc and man, there is a lot to learn! i do have a cnc machine so some of the ideas translate, but i wish i had a better handle on running this machine!

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Vertical, horizontal, size?

I only spent a little time on a vertical mill in metal shop class and there certainly is a lot to know. I've have always wanted one but in all honesty didn't have much use for one when I was doing a lot of metal work. 

High school metal shop text books are a good source for learning shop skills. College industrial arts texts are still around I think. Sucks industrial ed. classes aren't offered in middle and high schools anymore. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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its a vertical. the bed is about 48 inches i guess? i actually havent measured that part, was too busy tramming the table and vice. machine checks out for accuracy, had very little use, my patternmaker gave it to me and he mostly used it for milling stock flat for patterns etc. wood too. haha. i honestly dont know how i went this long without this machine though in the little that i know about it ive been able to do things in the shop that id never been able to do as accurately before! its amazing. yes i agree its awful that they dont teach shop the same way anymore, we need that now more than ever. ive been on youtube and found some old machinists that have decent instructional videos guys that have been running machines for over 40 years etc. but the time it will take for me to get comfortable is going to be a while. i did luck out at an auction and got about 12k worth of cutters (from a 90 yr old machinist!) for 400 bux ! so ive got really good old school (actully nice metal) cutters to learn with.

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  • 2 months later...

Couple of months ago, when we've been starting our business and making our little plant for metal processing, we've asked our partners what they could suggest as investing company for our needs. There was no profitable suggestions for us, but I've found a company in the google search results called Pivotal which possess itself like reliable investing company. Now I wonder how to check it, cause we're looking for growing our client base and production facility as well.

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Welcome to IFI sannders... I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. It is full of tips like editing your profile to show general location and how to stay off the moderators radar. READ THIS FIRST

Kind of hard to give advice, not knowing where in the world you are located. We have members from around 150 countries world wide.

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