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Some bush swords recently finished up and off to their new owners.

All are 80CrV2 steel with marine epoxy-impregnated cord wraps and Boltaron sheaths.

About a 13 1/2" blade, based on a wooden Filipino training sword the customer already had.  Black on black wrap.

42021447411_6688fb750c_c.jpgbushsword05 by James Helm, on Flickr

41120994075_5589837f64_c.jpgbushsword06 by James Helm, on Flickr

This one is about a 16" blade.  It was made for an old schoolmate of mine, one grade ahead but who was in several classes with me in high school.  Olive drab on OD wrap, tan Boltaron.

I had made it almost 36 years without any stitches.  As I was re-sheathing it from taking these pics, the sheath slipped and I cut the ever-lovin' crap out of the thumb on my dominant hand, earning 10 stitches.  I tweaked the sheath to be a smidge looser before mailing it to him.  :) Sure has made it challenging to get ready for the Blade Show.

41976820202_af1b08e992_c.jpgbushsword03 by James Helm, on Flickr

40213789060_2cc1490396_c.jpgbushsword04 by James Helm, on Flickr

And finally, a two-hander with an 18" blade and a hemp cord wrap.  Wasn't sure about it, but by the time I finished up, I really liked it.  Fast and powerful!

42021449091_13059b02bb_c.jpgbushsword01 by James Helm, on Flickr

41120995405_6137ed146b_c.jpgbushsword02 by James Helm, on Flickr


Yes, but will it Keel? Seriously cool stuff as always James. I never thought of your stuff as "missing" anything but that turks head on the pommel was missing! I don't know how long you've been doing that but those are the first I've seen and they are Beastly!!! (in a good way!)


It will hurt!  :(


TwistedCustoms - I've always done Turk's head knots fore and aft on bush sword handles.  The smaller choppers and small knives usually only have a Turk's head at the blade/tang transition.


Awesome stuff. I really like the blade shape on the first. 

Heal up quickly. Working with the sharp, hot and heavy, you are bound to get bit eventually. 


Biggundoctor - I posted pics of the thumb on Instagram with my grinning mug first so folks could avoid seeing the carnage if they wanted.  It's far enough along I worked without a bandage for the first time today, then sliced my other thumb just enough to be aggravating and to sting while cleaning blades out of the vinegar they were soaking in.  :D


Those look great! I really like the first one. The blade shape is just really appealing to me.

Hope you have a fast recovery on the thumb. I lost the first two sections of my left index finger (that's my dominant hand), so I can fully relate to the awkwardness of not having full use of a depended on digit.


Nice bunch of bush swords!....

I bet that cut already healed up....that job makes our body and defense system dealing easy with flesh cuts....already itching?;)



Templehound - It's closed up, but not back to normal.  The new scar itself is sensitive, and the callused skin on top has come off, leaving raw, new skin underneath.  Makes for new challenges, but much better than trying to work with a big ol' bandage.  At least I can tie my shoes semi-decently again.  :D

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