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I Forge Iron

Need help learning to forge weld

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Hey all. Newbie here. I have been reading the form a lot, so much good info! I have started down the road of knife making. Right now I have a Atlas mini forge that I am using. It has been great. It size dose have limitations but none the less it has been great. I am working on putting together a brake drum forge that I plan on using nut coal form Tractor Supply in. I hope this will allow me to work on odder shaped project as well as forge weld with flux. I have one knife finished and I am finishing the handle on my second. Probably will start a 3rd pretty soon! Forge welding interest me. The hope would be to at some point try may hand at pattern welded knife blades. Yet the general art of forge welding metal togeather is also a great skill to have in ones box of tricks. 

    So I was hoping to connect with someone in the Indianapolis Indiana area who could show me how forge welding is done. All the info available on the net is great but it still leaves a big learning gap. Nothing like watching a task done in person and being able to ask questions.  

    I hope I have this in the right spot. If their are any links that you all think might be help full I am open to more reading as well. 

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So have you been attending meetings of the Indiana Blacksmith's Association? www.indianablacksmithing.org

I learned a whole lot about forge welding at an IBA Conference, (next one is June 1-3 2018 with my friend Pep Gomez as one of the demonstrators. He does superb pattern welding and mosaic damascus!)

I think you will find that a local group will turn up more possibilities locally.

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Steve acualy helped me a lot (note I didn’t get the dang weld to stick and burned the stock at his shop” but clean, flat and slowly heated all the way threw like toasting marshmallows followed by a firm smack to bring the prices together. Beating the heck out of it just squeezes the juice out of it. 

Seriously go to the meetings, 15 minuets with another Smith will save you 150 hours in the shop

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  • 5 weeks later...

Mr. J.A.V.,


"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for an hour.

Set a man on fire and he'l be warm for the rest of his life."

The SLAG considers that quote magnificent, & brilliant.

Oh the things I learn, on this site, are truly wonderful.


Glenn please add this gem to your aphorism page. Thanks.

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