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I Forge Iron

Folding sword


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Folding sword prototype. AEB-L steel for flexibility, phosphor bronze liners/bushings. This has been a pet project I've been playing with for quite some time, it's so nice to have it functioning so I can really dive into making it a smooth action. The concept is a sword that folds to a concealable enough size to fit tucked against the lower back.

Let me know what you think - this is the ideal time for feedback!

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How do you plan on making it fold up? It's only bending in a couple places edge OUT! Would YOU conceal that in the small of your back? Does it lock folded, if not what would happen if you fell, rolled down a hill?

When I read your text I envisioned a blade that folded into a small package that wouldn't require a sheath. What you have is almost more dangerous bent than straight. The mechanics would make it a poor slicer or stabber. 

Some brass and gears it's a steam punk Anime sword.

I hate to sound negative but outside of some cool mechanics it doesn't work for me on any level. More thought and popsicle stick models!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Well that is not what I pictured when I read the thread title. I thought it was going to be a giant pocket knife, essentially. 

The idea is definitely unique (and pretty awesome IMO) but I'm with Frosty on this one. Needs more brainstorming. Is there no way to fold it edge in? How would that sheath work? And (although it will likely never have to) how quickly can it be deployed and readied? It's concealed for a reason, after all...

Still, awesome idea and great work making it a reality. 

Also, I'm curious... What are the dimensions?

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If it's going to go into something like a hard kydex sheath, I would think you would want it edge out as Theo has done. That way the edge can be fully covered and locked into the hard kydex. I'm envisioning something like the letter C in kydex that this thing could lock into on your back and you could reach back grab the handle to unclick out the of the sheath and the natural motion of bringing it around front will also flip it straight. I could be totally off though and Theo has some other devious plan :) Either way I kind of like the made engineer meets bladesmith of it all and I'm curious to see where it goes.

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That makes sense Nate and it avoids the scissor action a blade that folds closed edge to edge poses. I think it's wicked cool as a piece of art and engineering it just scares me as a sword.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank you guys.

Yes, it's absurd... that's almost the point... the real point of course being xxxx xxxx that guy just pulledaswordfrombehindhisbbackhescomingatmeAAAAAAHHHH!

The idea was just as you described, a large kydex sheath that covers the edges as part of the "snap" in.

To be honest, I want to redesign the whole thing, I already feel like I can do so much better haha

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  • 4 months later...
19 hours ago, Randell Warren said:

I have a viability question for use. With the locking pin pulling towards your hand to release, how do you stop it from going all spastic if someone tags it with a parry?

Yes, I checked the date. Still interested. Great concept.

Avoid sword fights. <_<

Frosty The Lucky.

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Cool concept.   I have seen a video of an Italian ?  bladesmith  working out of his back room making very large folding knives where the blade folded once as well.  I believe the interview was in Italian as well.  Not sure that I could find the it again if I tried but you may want to try out your google fu for a few more ideas to refine your idea


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