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I Forge Iron

Nuts, bolts, and gears canister damascus coffin handle bowie


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Carbon steel nuts, bolts, and chopped up gear stock welded in a canister with 1095 and nickle powder, forge-welded-on random pattern 1080 and 1095 cutting edge. Hidden tang ebony handle with 3D printed cast bronze guard and medallions. The Nazz logo is hidden in the medallions.


I've been having a lot of fun with canister damascus recently; I think I'll try to perfect this pattern a bit more, I really like where it's going... not quite there yet though, I want to find smaller carbon steel gearstock, nuts, and bolts. Could have welded on the edge a bit more cleanly - next time I think I'll go with a twisted edge, feels more appropriate for the theme.

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That's got to be one of the cooler patterns I've seen in a while Leo. Sort of what a wizard would pull out of his junk drawer in a pinch sort of blade. Maybe a blade a transformer would smoosh an opponent into. It brings a lot of stories to mind, I like it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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12 hours ago, TheoRockNazz said:

Optimus is dead, no wait he's floating in space, no wait he's a knife now

Optimus is dead?:o! I thought s/he/it is/was a good . . . guy/gal/bot/Truck(?) I had to Google Optimus for details. (get your mind out of the gutter!) Optimus is A knife? How big IS that thing?

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Theo,

This beaut came up on my Instagram with know reference to you, I hope you don't mind that I gave you a shout out and directed people to your YouTube. There were a lot of amazed people though, I told them if they thought it looked cool, they should wait and see how you made it! Still one of the coolest canister damascus designs I've seen!


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