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I am curious if I could use a flu set mortar as the coating over the ceramic fiber (after rigidizer) or would this be similar to using a refractory cement, I have a local block company that sells "ALSEY Flue-Set" Non-Water Soluble Refractory Mortar-- Medium Duty, which has a service temp of 2700. I am attaching the product data sheet, after this I would apply either the ceramic coating


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Why do people keep coming up with the" bright idea" of replacing castable refractory with refractory cement (AKA flue mortar, furnace cement, etc.)?

I believe it is because it can be easily and cheaply be bought at local hardware stores, and online with minor shipping charges. The desire to come up with an easy answer to their perceived problems overrules our repeated warnings that it doesn't produce an answer; only a mess. The comically sad fact of the matter is that Wayne, a member in good standing here, can supply real refractory in small amounts and reasonable prices.  So the substitution is not only unworkable but totally unneeded. 


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Well said.

Masons/bricklayers use mortar and NOT cement to set bricks. 

Cement is too strong a bond. If the construction is made of cement and brick the brick will crack in half, due to too much stress and not the cement.

Mortar is compounded for that specific requirement. It is soft. It is not for kiln use.



Herr Howl,

Your aphorism namely,

"If I was the smartest guy in the room, I was in the wrong room"

is brilliant. I intend to use it in the future.

I should like to give you credit, if it is original?



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3"Bosch angle grinder

Here is another choice in 3" angle grinders; it is also overpriced compared to the Chinese imports, but is at least is a manufacturer well known for top quality. One of its advantages is that its motor is in line with the cutting and grinding discs it swings.  Thus no power is lost to gearing, and no high-speed gear whine is created either:

Mod note: Ebay link removed




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On 1/30/2018 at 4:21 PM, SLAG said:

"If I was the smartest guy in the room, I was in the wrong room"

is brilliant. I intend to use it in the future.  I should like to give you credit, if it is original?

I have no idea where I first heard it but I have been using it for at least 30 years so I am pretty sure that any licence or copy rite has expired. So feel free, you have my blessing, for what that's worth.

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Lit one Frosty burner this evening , just clamped in a vice not in anything yet. 

I have two projects in mind, replace the refractory and replace the 1/2" burners with 3/4" burners and build a a small 300 in³ with one burner. I think the one burner may offer more research and experimentation possibilities than the other.


that thing is going to be super adjustable and super simple, that thing rocks. 

Frosty, I stand on the shoulders of giants,good job mate. 

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9 hours ago, Frosty said:

Oh puhleeeze, I have trouble getting my hats on as it is!

I have been  overwhelmed by the lack of information and/or the abundance of misinformation on burners and refractory among the smithing brethren. this site and the insight of the people within has changed or realigned a lot of things I had come to consider true. for this I thank you , one and all. In your case Frosty I am happy that someone has done things that will reduce the odds that I will end as a large crater next to my neighbors burning house.

In my case I have taken your ideas and made them  more complicated, something I am prone to do, but only because I have access to machinery that others may not have. I applaud your effort to make this an option with anyone with any mechanical ability but is equipment challenged.     

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Indeed, a lack of smoking craters and burning neighborhoods is a goal of mine. It's tough to avoid the more is better thinking, you should see some of the things I tried before KISS fixed it all.

There are a lot of folks refining smithing tools and with online fora email lists the info is getting around. Unfortunately Youtube tends to spread ignorant and outright dangerous bull pucky. Happily one of the more egregious examples got himself arrested for making and detonating home made explosive devices. 

If you see something interesting online how about bouncing it off us before giving it a try yourself. Lots of us have made and had . . . .exciting experiments and devices. No good reason to repeat failures and disasters.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I don't have the link to the news article anymore but IIRC the devices were dry ice and water in containers. The news didn't specify chemicals for the other devices, no telling who will give a thing a try. He and a buddy were arrested on felony charges for both: devices and explosive chemicals. I'd speculate the news was being cagey about home brew anfo. It's the kind or thing the King of Randumb is capable of. The article also said the authorities had been watching his videos and were ready to act when a neighbor called in a complaint about explosions.

It's been a couple few weeks but someone on IFI linked me to the article. It put a smile on my face, not because he was in trouble but because the world became a little less dangerous . . . for a while anyway.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Explosive s and misconduct relating to them are most probably a State criminal matter. (crimes are covered by State law). But criminal activity is also covered by 

 Federal legislation. especially when crimes are carried out across state lines. Country wide activity is often a Federal matter. (inter-state commerce, communications etc). Areas that are reserved to the Federal Government by the U.S.Constitution.

Also, included are Federal laws that cover matters such as security terrorism and Homeland Security, etc. etc.

Am I being somewhat vague? You bet..

For several reasons. I was never involved in criminal law. (far too many criminals for my "taste").

Two, I almost exclusively practiced intellectual property (I. P.) law. (patents, licensing, trade marks, etc.) And generally before the Federal Court of Canada. (criminal and patent law are federal jurisdiction in the Great White North).

Alright, I am not really answering the question. On first guess I think the individual States and the Feds would probably have jurisdiction to act.

I can find out. I will give the Federal Attorney's General office a call to inquire. It might be a little fun and will raise a few eyebrows.


to you and all the other good burgers in Seward's Folly


Could you or another i.f.i. member post a reference to the news item for me for needed details? Thanks.

As an added F.Y.I. dry ice does not chemically figure with A.N.F.O. explosives (Ammonium nitrate fuel oil). They would not figure in a significant explosive synthesis.  But there are other ones and that's a whole 'nother tale.


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Here is the local coverage. https://www.ksl.com/?sid=46238745&nid=148

This guy is about five miles from me. They were detonating dry ice bombs. Pressure builds up from water on dry ice in a closed/sealed container and they are very powerful and extremely dangerous. They also had a bag of unknown chemicals which were harvested from an aerial firework. That is probably more frightening because of the fire hazard.

I will see updates when his case moves forward and post updates when they are avaiable.

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Thank you for the reference.

I will follow up on it shortly, get the facts, and commence mischief.

This reminds me about reading the Nazi experimental liquid air bombs, in the middle 1930's. 

They worked splendidly, made a wonderful mess. But, (there's so often a but). The explosives tended to go off at inopportune times. Like in the bomber,  delivering the device.

They never solved that embarrassing problem, so they went back to the old stand-byes. (t.n.t., r.d.x. etc.), and lost the war.

Time to pack it in for the day.

Night all.



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