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I Forge Iron

Finally made it into a magazine! Front of the spread as well. Now if I only knew what it said... can someone help?


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Ok I speak and read a good bit of Old German..bneing I was raised around a whole lot of Amish


The intro says..more or less:

" The New York Custom Knife show is always worth the trip. Here are the Highlights"...

I can not read the text...



How did you get that Coop guy to answer you to take pics..I have been trying for years to get him to take a photo of a coupe of my pieces and I never get an answer...

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Rustic Fighter by Theodor Nazz

The blade is made of handforged W2 (well forged by yourself) W2 Steel

The grip is made from burl

(the pattern for the bronze fitting/component was made with a 3-D printer)  This is more inferred as I'm having trouble seeing the exact words


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Pretty good, JPH - I had to get help to present this:

  Big Apple

New York is always worth a visit. Especially when at the same time, the New York Custom Knife Show takes place.

And Thomas, your rendition looks good.

I have found that my reading of German is terrible, the word arrangement so different from English. as I look back, My friends must have found my speech to be quite amusing.

Congratulations, Theo!

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I took two languages in High School: Spanish and German and have used *both* in my working life: currently supporting a factory in Mexico; previous job was working on a project in Chile, spent 89 days in Germany doing an installation for a previous employer; etc.  Tell your kids to learn another language, or two!

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Like I said..I was raised around the Amish..in fact my mentor..Herr Hauffmann was where I picked alot of it up but the Amish speak a whole Gamut of various German dialects as do the Mennonites as well...but the latter tend to be a bit more "modern" than the former language wise. They call it "Pennsylvania German" or Hinterwaldler Deutsch...I can still hold my own in a conversation but it does get interesting at times.....  My Greek and Kurdish are much better than my German or Vietnamese...but what the heck..

Thomas...your eyes are better than mine and I had my glasses on!!


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Backwoods German? I am definitely the Unlearned in this conversation, but I recall, while living in Hesse, I visited a commune in Beyern. Their colloquial was far easier to follow than that of up North. Amazing what effect a few hundred clicks can have on dialects.

Great looking blade Theo!

Edited by Anachronist58
psychotic text editor (that's COMMUNE)
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All of the above is why I love this site :)

Someone on reddit was nice enough to translate for me:

Left: New York is always worth a trip. Especially when the New York Custom Knife Show takes place. Here are some of the highlights.

Big Apple is a old nickname for New York but when the Custom Knife Show takes place the city appears like the red apple from snowwhite to knifefans ( a really cheesy comparison), hardly to resist. Every year the best knifemakers of the US, Canada and the rest of the world meet up to present there new products to community. Every year there are a lot of highlights which we doesnt want to keep away from our readers. The NYCKS 2016 takes place in november. More information under : fiftyfiftyproductions.net

The text about you:

Rustic fighter from Theodore Nazz: The blade is made of self forged W2-steel, the handle out of maserknolle( Burl?). The model for the bronze coating is made in a 3D-printer.

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