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I Forge Iron

From My Warped Mind..2 Handed Broad Dagger


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Something I whipped out on a whim.. 1060/L-6 steel..in my Solar Storm Pattern.. 14 1/4" x 2" blade with twin fullers each side. Forged phosphor bronze mounts with my own "fossilized" Bovine Ivory grip. Sheath is set with a 77.7 Ct Star ruby that I cut a little while back.  This little guy is heading down to Irwindale for RPFS next weekend... 

I think it turned out OK for what it is.....and that's the product of a warped individual... I have no idea why I made this...it just all fell into place and this is what I wound up with..  JPH





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Thanks for sharing your beautifully whimsical warpage. I don't recall you mentioning doing lapidary before but I'm not surprised at all. Synthetic ruby I assume, 77.7 ct. is one HECK of a natural stone, worth millions.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I have been doing lapidary work since I was a kid...(and no it wasn't because that was the only way we could make knives back then..geeze...)..in fact they use to call me Jimmy Git Rocks...cause I was always looking around for "stuff"..Usually all I found was leverite but every now and then I'd find something good..

The ruby on this is a natural ruby..not man made..I have a very long time friend  in India who's family owns a ruby/sapphire mine that sends me a lot of rough..most of it is suitable for aquarium gravel but I do get some pieces that will cab out a semi-decent rock..It's just cutting a ruby/.sapphire takes for ever cause they are so xxxxxxx hard. As it is this stone would sell at about US $10.00 a carat...(Which is what I sell them for when I decide to sell them on my website..)  I just cut a 93.75 ct black star sapphire for another project I am working on along the same lines as this dagger..will post that once I get it done..should have the steel finished mid next week...



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Love this is the double fuller forged or ground in? I'd like to learn how to do a double fuller myself for an um comming project. On a side note. Do you ever cut gems for other people I have a lot of uncut stones that I got doing one of those " mine your own gems" 

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And Dad wouldn't let me NEAR his lap table or wheels. I could charge one of his tumblers if supervised though.  It used to aggravate him no end when I'd charge my little tumbler with gravel. Some leverites polish up pretty though.

How cool, friends who send you gemstone AND you have the skills and tools to use it. It just goes to show where the old saw, "It's not what you know it's who you know." misses the mark. Who you know doesn't matter much if you don't know what to do with it.

Dad always griped if he had to cut gemstones, didn't even like getting out that saw and wheels.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the sapphire mounted. My second favorite stone next to green emerald.

Frosty The Lucky.

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