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Yr12 SACE Research project, herb knife


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Hey guys 

For my Yr12 research project im making a herb knife and i need some of what steps and techniques would be involved in doing so, I have access to a makeshift forge, an anvil, a large arrangement of hammers, a large grinder, and an oven for heat treating.



Some replies will be used as a source for my project

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So what books have you sourced on blacksmithing and knifemaking?  If you are in the USA you can ILL them at the local public library.

As for steps: get the steel, forge the steel, grind/file the steel, heat treat the steel, finish grinding/filing the steel. make the handle, apply the handle, make the sheath, sharpen the blade.

Stop by and I will gift you with some steel and some more to use when the first bit gets destroyed.

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I dont hold a lot of hope your your project so far, because so far you have skipped right past the pinned/tagged post for new knife makers that have answered this already, then ignored the knife making classes section.   Some of us have written books on this subject, and you cant expect anyone to make you into a knife maker in a few posts on the internet.  Slow down, back up and start at the beginning, and maybe then you may have a chance to get this finished in time.

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12 hours ago, kuroiakuma said:

Hey guys 

For my Yr12 research project im making a herb knife and i need some of what steps and techniques would be involved in doing so, I have access to a makeshift forge, an anvil, a large arrangement of hammers, a large grinder, and an oven for heat treating.

Good Morning,

A very vague question, but, not a stupid question. I would look at the bottom of the Home page (here) and see if there is a Blacksmith Association near where you live. There also is a listing on the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America (ABANA) web-site.  I'm positive that if you asked the same original question at one of their meetings, you will have at least a few people who would be willing to help you. Steve has put a lot of effort into making all of the information available, here, YOU just have to read it. The knowledge that is available is 'HUGE'. This is not the best place to start out. Have you talked to any of the 'SHOP' Teachers at your School? There must be a place local/close-by who could help you with your Quest.

Stop by my SHOP, anytime. As an aside, I built a Hovercraft that I could ride on, in Grade 12. There was NOBODY to ask questions of. I had to go to the Library and Learn. I guess that was in the year BC, Before Computors!!!!




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Thank you to everyone who has replied I didn't see the other sections of the about beginner knife making, I was in a hurry while writing this post.  Steve as for time I have over 6months to complete one or more knives. 

Swedefiddle and ThomasPowers thank you for the generous offer but as I live in Australia it would be a bit hard to do that. I would love any feedback or help I can get here though because for my project I actually need to talk to someone about the steps and procedures involved in knife making. 

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Welcome aboard Kuroiakuma, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might actually MEET a bladesmith.

6 months to make a knife? Good luck on that one, especially if you're in too big a hurry to read the bladesmithing section. If you missed the knife, sword, heat treat, etc. etc. sections of Iforge then you didn't bother to read the opening page or didn't understand what you read.

You really REALLY need to do some research and that isn't just asking questions to the world. And forget Youtube till you've learned to sift the wheat from the chaff. You'll get plenty of chaff replies and if you don't have at least a little bit of a handle on the subject you'll get so mired down is suggestions, how tos and general misinformed stuff you'll lose ground.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Thank you frosty I'm only making a small knife and from what I've seen and heard something of this size shouldnt take more than a month, I plan to make a small herb chopping knife from an old file I do have some money that I could Use to buy better steel  but at this point I want to get the basic techniques down before I do anything with more expensive materials

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