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I Forge Iron

How much swayback is TOO much?

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Found a decent anvil for a good price (and a long drive), cleaned the rust off of it, and am considering trying to flatten the top a bit, as it has about 1/8-1/4" dip in the middle...I've read several threads saying to use as is, some sway is actually useful, etc...am I worried about nothing?  My other thought is that if I absolutely need a fla surface, I can make a hardened plate attached to a hardy...appreciate any thoughts.

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Without telling us WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO WITH IT we can't say.  However in general smooth is much more important than flat.  

Also most methods of flattening an anvil that don't cost more than buying another one in better shape are really ways of destroying your anvil.  Some anvils used a high grade of wrought iron which is quite soft and so tend to get sway backed more than others---but the thickness of the face is still the same.  Any milling or grinding to flatten such is about as smart as taking a sledge hammer to a Maserati because one of the tires is low on air...  It can be built up by welding *WITH* proper preheat, postheat and correct alloy rods---see the Robb Gunter method of anvil repair---but this often is more expensive than getting another one.   Generally we advise folks to use their anvil for a year before thinking of making any changes.  Often folks decide that it's flaws are really features and are upset when they use one without them...(My flattest anvil has a swayback one right beside it so I can use it when straightening blades.)

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I once went fishing with a work mate, he had all the best gear and ridiculed my cheap second hand gear as I was just starting out , at the end of the day i caught much more fish than him.if you are in no hurry listen to the story your gear can tell you before you rush to buy new.

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