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Got asked to make something new to me the other day, a "turned" bowl adze. After a lot of back and forth, I'm far from sure this is a good turning tool, but it is my take on a bowl adze based off of what the customer asked for, and she says it's just the way she wanted.  Plan to include the usual legalese and cover yer fourth point of contact statements/warnings.

Between last two pics, straightened, fixed eye a bit, cleaned it up, filed/ground, hardened, handled, and soaking up linseed.

Did make it from mystery steel, and was a bit nervous, because I forgot to bother with heat treatment tests on coupons til it was more or less done, then.....air - nothing....crap. oil - nothing.....crap. water......hmmm, a little bit. brine.......oh thank you, there's that glassy sound. Whew.... Differential heat treatment,tempered the edge a little beyond dark straw. Figured since it was for turning, wanted it a wee bit softer than norm, so as not to be brittle.

adze1.0.thumb.jpg.4054e4dee1c3288544b692       adze2.0.thumb.jpg.5d50db438b6fda6eb20e6f


adze_4.0.thumb.jpg.27c77d4eb6fc37a216020      adze_5.0.thumb.jpg.38fa369e41e7f929d0e8c


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It's what it sounded like. Kinda fuzzy commo, but got very clear instructions for the tool.  I'm dubious myself. Intend to warn against it, and even if not, should still work well for regular adze work. Beveled on the inside, but ground the outside smooth, and thinned it slightly.

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I'd be scared to make a tool for someone who wanted to use it so far outside it's geometry. I suppose good enough disclaimers, warnings and such could be a maybe maybe but crimeny! I hope she was just misusing terms or maybe better yet wants to use it to rough out bowls to be turned.

I tend to think it's poor language or perhaps the second but if someone thought they could turn a bowl or anything on a lathe with an adze I'd be afraid to let them use tools let alone power tools.

Please keep us updated.

Frosty The Lucky.

Edited by Frosty
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  • 4 months later...

The new owner will find it a great tool for roughing out burl bowls or something. Using it on a lathe sends chills down my spine.

Good that you didn't send it in the mail. I've been caught like that. We are just too trusting sometimes. Made a nice leaf hook once that a guy really wanted. I didn't have change for his fifty so I said just take it up to reception and they'll fix it up. He just walked out with it. Only $20 worth but it makes you feel bad when people take advantage of your trust like that.

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I took "turned bowl" as a description of the tool rather than of it's use........never heard of it before either way......good job on the tool and the write up.


Google produced this vid......now I know how they make other than round bowls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbHcFw92B1A no lathe involved.

Edited by Smoggy
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I took "turned bowl" as a description of the tool rather than of it's use........never heard of it before either way......good job on the tool and the right up.


Google produced this vid......now I know how they make other than round bowls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbHcFw92B1A no lathe involved.

yup that's all ya need, wear your arm out though. That's all I can figure she wanted to do

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I think it was just another example of someone who wanted to make something and ordered tools without a clue as to how to DO the work. She probably found out and realized an adze wasn't going to work but couldn't just say so.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I think it was just another example of someone who wanted to make something and ordered tools without a clue as to how to DO the work. She probably found out and realized an adze wasn't going to work but couldn't just say so.

Frosty The Lucky.

yea I am still trying to forge an adze that will carve it for me no luck yet 

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