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I Forge Iron

Small pick axe against minecraft

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Last night this was me and my son talking.  "No son I will not play watch discuss or attempt to understand  minecraft ( a computer game). I will however help you make a pick tomorrow and you can go mine gold in the creek or other peoples yards, but I get 1/3 of the gold.  He shrewdly bargained me down to half the gold ( we better practice fractions).




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He'll remember this his entire life and someday when he's thinking about what nursing home to put you in; he'll strike gold in "Fast Turnaround Acres".


When I was around 4 I hunted for gold in our side yard in New Providence NJ---found coal as the house used to be heated with a coal furnace and the ashes dumped into the "garden" .

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That's one terrific Father Son day Matt! That sir is the smile of probably the ONLY kid on the planet with a REAL mining pick playing the game. Better still, HE helped his DAD make it themselves!

Not only will he never forget it and the day, he'll tell his kids, grandkids, etc. It's the birth of an heirloom and a great family tale.

Frosty The Lucky.

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