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I Forge Iron

Forging A Horseshoe Heart


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Let an old horseshoer give you a bit od advice
Iron dwarf and jacob, open the shoe up begor you start the point, either by seting the heals, on on the face and on on the side and taping the senter of the toe or by placing it over the horn and taping the toe. This will give you a more defined point. The heals will n ed to be scroled more, like jacons second shoe. Look up brians original video as he shows you clearly how not to close up the heals to form the top of the heart.
Ae, it looks to me as if you either used full face blows or tried to flaten the quarters of the shoe after forging the point insted of spreding the heals first.
This comes from lots of experians screwing up shoes and fixing my mistakes, lol

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I have made a couple of horse shoe hearts and make mine opposite the way yours are. The bottom point of the heart is the two ends of the shoe brought together. I take a horse shoe, fold in half so the two sides match up. Then I draw out the front of the shoe (where the front of the horses hoof goes) to a point, then the same with the heel of the shoe. Unfold and adjust as needed. Everyone has their own way.
~The Mad Rabbit

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